Joels story involves being a janitor and being exploited by the one percent also joel had the robots boo when sexism happened but mike just yelled, "f*ggot." and also hes legitimately a neo con
[account deactivated]
Real ass talk from the glomperstomper
Tpaine seriously: manos hands of fate or eegah?
people come to revolution with all sorts of backward ideas. it's true that joel is relatively progressive, and that mike is a laggard, but we need to go to the masses, concentrate their ideas, and then have bobo impose them on mike.
Mike is like if Jeff Dunham was funny so I can't exactly be mad at him.. I just don't respect his political positions.
Mikes funnier though and has a better persona.
Joel - doesn't commit to anything, no jokes, character is just that he doesn't commit to anything, stands around showing no emotion during sketch segments

Mike - strong sense of character and place in the world, loves the camera and the camera loves him (and I don't mean gypsy!) Did the episode where they bomb the hitler building.
We need to do statistical analysis on the number of references to breakfast cereal brands in the first half of the fourth season immediately before Joel resigned. And make a 600 page book out of it
first post to have no idea what's going on itt
We're talking about rifftrax Mike, famous friend of Richard "low tax" kanyka.
every post in this thread has been completely correct so far
[account deactivated]
So tpaines taste in television is the same as his taste in film in that he prefers production quality over content
[account deactivated]
I know
Welcome to hipstertown grandpa

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

So tpaines taste in television is the same as his taste in film in that he prefers production quality over content

And music

Ya i shoulda said music. Dude is so old he literall authored a "book"
Ill be in kik and snapchat all week lowkey hmu cuz im still cool and know whats good. Im not old
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

jon anderson is older than me and emononly combined probably but is 10x cooler than us

I think he changes his name to neo after escaping the matrix

wtf is kik? i thought that was just something girl spambots wanted u to sign up for
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

jon anderson is older than me and emononly combined probably but is 10x cooler than us


What got me through my two week stint in the hospital a few years back, was my wife staying with me over night for several days and a regular visit from the Pastor.

“It’s amazing, when I finished up my last operation, this guy use to come around playing guitar and singing. He started singing, "It’s a Wonderful Life" and I just burst out in tears. And it took me all those months to let go and cry.”

When the pastor came in to pray with me at the hospital I cried every time.

“It’s good for you, ya know.”

I think going through all that does something to your emotions and maybe even brings you closer with God?

“Yea, that’s what it is.”

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

swampman do you actually know enough about yes to post a song from their generally regarded worst album or did you do a lil research for that post

I did research + check out all the Troops in that vid

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Once i get started owning someone i try to see it through to its logical, terrible conclusion. I mean slavery of course. I will step on you until you become my online slave, upvoting all my posts and generally cheering for my victory.

swampman posted:

Once i get started owning someone i try to see it through to its logical, terrible conclusion. I mean slavery of course. I will step on you until you become my online slave, upvoting all my posts and generally cheering for my victory.

go get him male swamop guy!!!


tpaine posted:

swampman posted:

tpaine posted:

swampman do you actually know enough about yes to post a song from their generally regarded worst album or did you do a lil research for that post

I did research + check out all the Troops in that vid

Lol. What is it, 2011? What is it, 2009? What is it, 2006? Is it 2002 in here? What is it 1998 or something?

I was just at the deli and an EMT was at the counter in front of me with another EMT telling them about this time in boot camp when another troop left their cleaning rod in their gun at target practice and the gun blew up in their face blinding them in one eye. the other EMT asked "wasn't the drill sergeant supposed to check the guns?" and the EMT/troop replied "well, yeah he was supposed to, but not really," then tried to say something about how "it was the guy's own mistake, I don't feel bad for him, that's just science, like, an unstoppable object meets..." then they talked about having passed the physical to become NYPD. troops
yes made 3 albums that are good despite being the corniest of bloated prog dinosaur rock + the stories of ultraconservative asshole rick wakeman constantly owning the rest of the band who were all clueless hippies are really funny
i have a friend who hates mst3k because they disparage the Art of Cinema
joel and mike are old news. it's jay and mike's time now grandpa
[account deactivated]
the transracial buildingkin that are our children are going to think we were monsters for our comedians using the word 'crazy' in the year 2016
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