what news should i read, whats a good one
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the puig report
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piss posted:

what news should i read, whats a good one


i get all my news from memes
rap music, the black cnn
I don't know anymore.
the real news
whatever people link on facebook
^ BAR rules
and they have the best graphics

To defeat the enemy you have to know the enemy

swirlsofhistory posted:


To defeat the enemy you have to know the enemy

this seems like a desperate attempt to get more people to read your posts

slashdot, ars technica,monthly review, twitter, youtube, secret LF irc cabals
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i only really check CBC news, mostly because otherwise i will find out the story through facebook or twitter. CBC has stuff about mundane canadian politics which i still find interesting but no one else i know does. i also read some print editions of canadian radical groups because they are getting good at describing aboriginal and environmental movements sort of things.
iltalehti, iltasanomat, helsingin sanomat, etc the list could go on
this is one of the funniest and most dmisgusting pieces of shit i've ever seen

quavers posted:


book's. longform. any questions?
i like to browse the daily links/water cooler links on nakedcapitalism.com everyday. Yves & Lambert aggregate a lot of good sources/topics. MoA and BAR have been featured there repeatedly.
i ended my general ban on reading jacobin and some of their articles are pretty good, especially when they interview or ask for articles from american historians about like reconstruction. i didn't know that fear of the paris commune actually had a significant effect on reconstruction politics, so i decided to write one of my big paper's this year on it over the next month or so.
yeah actually some jacobin is ok, or at least it's a better starting point than, whatever, cnn or something. i've sort of been warming up to it because it does get passed around and talked about among left twitter people i like

i just absorb the few actual newsworthly events from twitter and/or rhizzone. i "read" the normal canadian news but that just consists of going to cbc and national post and shaking my head a little for ten or fifteen seconds every few days. and watching the national at issue, which is a few mostly-old, mostly-white people sitting around talking about canadian mainstream politics for fifteen minutes a week

i'm revolutionary
mostly there is no real news, the only "news" i care about is if someone wrote something new, good and actually true about real shit from a marxist perspective
i used to watch At Issue but chantal hebert is the only insightful one on the panel really so i just read her columns when there is some compelling reason to. she is pretty good at just plainly stating what's going on without getting too wrapped up in the weird ottawa bubble. like when everyone was whipping up the idea that the liberals and NDP should merge she was like... they don't even have the same idea of federalism though.

getfiscal posted:

i used to watch At Issue but chantal hebert is the only insightful one on the panel really so i just read her columns when there is some compelling reason to. she is pretty good at just plainly stating what's going on without getting too wrapped up in the weird ottawa bubble. like when everyone was whipping up the idea that the liberals and NDP should merge she was like... they don't even have the same idea of federalism though.

this is true but i like her speaking more than reading her column. if your french is up to it i like her on Les Coulisses du Pouvoir but there's even more of a quebec slant to that than what she normally says, obviously, and even when I was in Montreal I couldn't really care much about the national assembly and now that i'm not there hoo boy.

also i like that Coyne is the pure unvarnished voice of old white money. it's handy. i use how much i nod along with him to judge how much of a hypocritical bourgeois piece of shit i am

twitter is where it's at, IMO, though it can become really time consuming
I had to delete Twitter because, woo boy, the way they developed that particular attention economy did not make me feel like a whole person. access to the secret news forum pretty plz?
I have it on good authority that since seizing control of tHE rHizzonE, drwhat has created dozens of secret subforums that none of us have access to.
i watch hardball with chris matthews because he "believe(s) in reparations, if you could figure out what it would be.”
I watch MTV and TLC, and read GQ and Elle.
South Korean mainstream leftist news:

if for example you noticed that the American press is now reporting that the Kaesong industrial complex was being secretly used to make nuclear weapons but were like "hey that doesn't make any sense but I'm not informed enough to say why it's bullshit" this is the site for you.

Also the Japanese equivelent:
and the communist party news:
i thought asahi shimbun was like the new york daily news.

in our top stories:
ANIME NEWS: Tsutomu Mizushima, Mari Okada team for ‘Mayoiga’ anime series

or is that just their token anime section to appeal to millenial radicals like myself
i had a weird period around 2004 where i was thinking about moving to japan but i didn't really like anime or anything else about the culture except for reading about developer corruption and paleoconservatives lol. that also reminds me that i ended up reading "the american conservative" for a bit because they were one of the earliest people being like "uhh the iraq war is insane" when the nytimes and such were still like on the fence lol.

babyhueypnewton posted:

and the communist party news:

maybe just glancing at todays headlines isn't the best way to measure a news source, but, based on my glancing at todays headlines on that site, the jpcp sounds like liberal american news. i haven't read any of the articles, but i'd be willing to bet not one of them makes an appeal to marxism-leninism.

the japanese communist party is basically eurocommunist/reformist, although they do cute things like make communist emoji.
eurocommunism is the best tendency. preserve the rule of law while using cool hammers and sickles and red stars, yes please