TV is now not only cheaper and more convenient it's also more capable of developing adult characters and stories than film. there's only one thing film remains better at: hiring 1000 people to model 10,000 robots each firing 500 lasers a minute on-screen, which is why that's all they make anymore

anyway no star wars spoilers pls
Yoda dies.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

TV is now not only cheaper and more convenient it's also more capable of developing adult characters and stories than film

"capable of" doesn't mean "does in all cases" getfiscal
dick cheney smiles at the end
all visual media is trash. gouge your eyes out.
i think film is a great method of transference
[account deactivated]
if anything commercial television requires paralysis in character development because the essential elements of the story are repeated in every episode and subplot. you could probably watch the first two episodes and last two episodes of mad men and guess at everything in between. and they pretend the moral is that you can't teach an old dog new tricks precisely so there isn't character development. sad cheater gets into hijinx which provides raw material for ads. i mean it's good compared to ant-man but that's not comparing like with like.
There's actually a lot of character development on mad man, even from Donald Draper. The best character on the show, Pete, goes from being a young thin ass hole with a full head of hair to an old fat ass hole who's bald, just to use one example.
[account deactivated]

Keven posted:

There's actually a lot of character development on mad man, even from Donald Draper. The best character on the show, Pete, goes from being a young thin ass hole with a full head of hair to an old fat ass hole who's bald, just to use one example.

I have also gone from being a young thin ass hole with a full head of hair to an old fat ass hole who's bald, and I agree Pete is the best character, so I'm giving you this one.


Osborne -- or to give him his full Sith-sounding title Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Secretary of State -- has been spotted by British Star Wars fans in the film's final credits along with Ed Vaizey, the minister of state for culture, communications and the creative industries.


£25 million of support


is character development even real
shut the fuck up
[account deactivated]
i.. i just hate his posting so goddamn much.. i haven't felt this way s-s-since.. sendintheblackman *breaks down sobbing*
[account deactivated]
star wars owned

aerdil posted:

i.. i just hate his posting so goddamn much.. i haven't felt this way s-s-since.. sendintheblackman *breaks down sobbing*

it's bad

registration needs to be closed permanently
i've been reading a lot of nerds assmad that they don't use Y Wings and B Wings to bomb the new thing because they are the bombing craft while the X-wing they use is a fighter-bomber. where was any of that said in a film? oh, it wasn't? It was just something some anonymous hack made up for a DOS videogame 20 years ago? i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying


all posts are bad. posting is sin

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i've been reading a lot of nerds assmad that they don't use Y Wings and B Wings to bomb the new thing because they are the bombing craft while the X-wing they use is a fighter-bomber. where was any of that said in a film? oh, it wasn't? It was just something some anonymous hack made up for a DOS videogame 20 years ago? i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying

makes sense that there are specialised military aircraft tho, even if the specifics arent known. anyway i thought the b wing was an interceptor?

i wish someone had intercepted this thread
Actually, they were in the origoagjFFFFFFFFFFFJIOEW:FWJEG

cars posted:

i wish someone had intercepted this thread



le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i've been reading a lot of nerds assmad that they don't use Y Wings and B Wings to bomb the new thing because they are the bombing craft while the X-wing they use is a fighter-bomber. where was any of that said in a film? oh, it wasn't? It was just something some anonymous hack made up for a DOS videogame 20 years ago? i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying

If you remember in the original the first run on the death star trench had a Y-wing bomber picked to lead the attack. The B-wing was intended as a replacement for the aging Y-wing. Do you need everything spoon fed to you by the movie?

i'm going to break your glasses irl
That's why I lift now.
i was lifting for a while, got my deadlift up to 500 or so. now im into nerf guns. its nerf or nothin, as they say.
i lifted in school but now i get most of my exercise from walking and cycling the city
Lift this thread in to the garbage can
Alright. I'll do it because of how Im really strong... Not sure if anyone else around here could . But I could. So I'll be the one who does that.
wow i'm really being lifted by keven now. wow. here we go. the actual garbage can ...

Themselves posted:

i was lifting for a while, got my deadlift up to 500 or so. now im into nerf guns. its nerf or nothin, as they say.

Did you enter any powerlifting competitions?


Crow posted:

Lift this thread in to the garbage can

i am already lifting the ideology all the time