anyway no star wars spoilers pls
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:TV is now not only cheaper and more convenient it's also more capable of developing adult characters and stories than film
Keven posted:There's actually a lot of character development on mad man, even from Donald Draper. The best character on the show, Pete, goes from being a young thin ass hole with a full head of hair to an old fat ass hole who's bald, just to use one example.
I have also gone from being a young thin ass hole with a full head of hair to an old fat ass hole who's bald, and I agree Pete is the best character, so I'm giving you this one.
Osborne -- or to give him his full Sith-sounding title Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Secretary of State -- has been spotted by British Star Wars fans in the film's final credits along with Ed Vaizey, the minister of state for culture, communications and the creative industries.
£25 million of support
aerdil posted:i.. i just hate his posting so goddamn much.. i haven't felt this way s-s-since.. sendintheblackman *breaks down sobbing*
it's bad
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i've been reading a lot of nerds assmad that they don't use Y Wings and B Wings to bomb the new thing because they are the bombing craft while the X-wing they use is a fighter-bomber. where was any of that said in a film? oh, it wasn't? It was just something some anonymous hack made up for a DOS videogame 20 years ago? i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying
makes sense that there are specialised military aircraft tho, even if the specifics arent known. anyway i thought the b wing was an interceptor?
cars posted:i wish someone had intercepted this thread
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i've been reading a lot of nerds assmad that they don't use Y Wings and B Wings to bomb the new thing because they are the bombing craft while the X-wing they use is a fighter-bomber. where was any of that said in a film? oh, it wasn't? It was just something some anonymous hack made up for a DOS videogame 20 years ago? i think we made a very serious mistake in trying to stop bullying
If you remember in the original the first run on the death star trench had a Y-wing bomber picked to lead the attack. The B-wing was intended as a replacement for the aging Y-wing. Do you need everything spoon fed to you by the movie?
Themselves posted:i was lifting for a while, got my deadlift up to 500 or so. now im into nerf guns. its nerf or nothin, as they say.
Did you enter any powerlifting competitions?
Crow posted:Lift this thread in to the garbage can
i am already lifting the ideology all the time