“Wake up, pigfucker”

He’d only passed out for a moment. It was still night and the only light came from the laptop. The guard was there to make sure he watched, and after a few beatings Cameron was trying to obey.

How did it happen so fast?

The video on screen cut to a wide shot to show the crowd at Wembley. There they were, all 70,000 of them, the people he’d trusted, the men who were going to save Syria. They weren’t cheering anymore.

The Victory Carnival was full of the savagery you’d expect from ISIS. The crowd enjoyed the first few acts: the cabinet hung from their feet and dunked into the boiling glass teapot, the journalists being forced to write out the Quran in their own blood until they ran dry. It was all good fun, but then, the finale. It became clear what the crane dangling the double decker bus was for as Prince George was lead by a leash on to the bullseye painted at centre court…
thatsa a double decker
i'll plus rep anything, apparently
[account deactivated]
Racism is usually described in terms of hating a group of people due to their ethnic background, and it appears the author is merely discussing a hypothetical scenario regarding the suffering and downfall of the english, who are less than human, and therefore cannot be targeted by racism. I think breed discrimination is a more appropriate term but no one is typically chastised for hating on other parasites like hookworms or leeches. This article reads more like an entry from a medical journal.
the debate over muslim takeover seems odd to me because a lot of it is based on odd side debates about demographics and immigration. obviously muslims want to take over the world, what healthy ideology wouldn't? they won't because their ideas are dumb and Marxism-Leninism will prevail.
Who cares if Islam takes over the world? The only thing that will change is twice a year at Easter and Christmas ill have to pretend im Muslim instead of pretending im Christian
Soviet_Salami are you a retired vietnam veteran?
Sorry to bring back this terrible thread, but what I once thought was obscene enough for satire has been embraced fully by Zizek.


Soviet_Salami posted:

Sorry to bring back this terrible thread, but what I once thought was obscene enough for satire has been embraced fully by Zizek.


nice fake byline on that christopher hitchens article from 2003


Soviet_Salami posted:

Sorry to bring back this terrible thread, but what I once thought was obscene enough for satire has been embraced fully by Zizek.


first as tragedy...