[account deactivated]
Relax Beavis.
sometimes i feel guilty about being too lazy and sane to wage people's war but then i remember i'm living a good bourgeoise life as a good bourgeoise liberal and that any genuine revolutionary would be crazy to trust or rely on the likes of me for anything beyond the nearly meaningless rhetorical support i already offer
I think love and happiness are the best way forward. Zzoners can use that bullshit as a Trojan horse to birth a bunch of new Marxists into the world. Goatstein's kids are our first attempt. I hear his older one already hates troops, very encouraging news.
are you going to write any more novels discipline?
I think you will find it easier, discipline, if you accept that while there are solid reds out there, the actually existing left in the first world no longer really cares about the issues that are most near and dear to your heart, and is probably going to care even less about them in the future. They let you down, not vise versa, so you should not burden yourself with futile self-recriminations, particularly since you have done far more than most of us schmucks here.
As for myself, I hope to remain vigilant for any possibilities that may arise, and tend in the meantime to my crankish attempts to blend and balance the Red, the White, and the Blue in whatever private stoas, or public street corners, I can find.
i think Love and happiness are they way forward. This is what i'm about atm. Life is about brotherly Love for the Other.

I for one had no fucking clue that <INSERT COUNTRY HERE> would be so relentlessly attacked by the most relentless and brutal forms of imperialism


[account deactivated]
In the self-criticism department I have been far too sectarian over the past year, impacting my ability to engage in things that matter more than internet nonesense. I also did very little organizing while I lived in the desert, falling into despair and cynicism as I was disconnected from my comrades still engaged in struggle back home. In an effort to combat both of these we are launching a local serve the people program, providing clothing, specifically winter hats and socks, to the homeless and low-income people in several neighborhoods alongside food not bombs. I'd scaled down my engagement with spookbook in order to write the pitch document for the program and will attempt to keep my engagement with that platform down as I ramp up political work.
What's with the attack on memes?
none of you guys should ever stop posting btw. i'm not a theoretician or anything that can offer stuff to this forum, but the masses need guidance; and i am the masses.
I like posting here. Facebook is a waste though, even leftbook

methlabretriever posted:

i think Love and happiness are they way forward. This is what i'm about atm. Life is about brotherly Love for the Other.

Unfortunately I think that's out of the question for me, fursonally. I began practicing revolutionary self-defeatism the day okcomrade closed down.

[account deactivated]
I am too burdened by crushing student debt to do anything more than plod along in my soul crushing job, or find an equally soul crushing not for profit job that probably pays somehow less than my current one. I hope to emulate third place and find a life companion, settle down into bourgeois contentment and have some kids who will get to witness the extinction of the human race. At least my career allows me to help people in some way, even if they are the dregs of society.
im gonna blow up that stupid anticommunist monument thing in ottawa if they build it

tpaine posted:

get real imbeciles, if you think the human race could or should last more than 4 or 5 more generations you are part of the problem. get on my shit

hot take: misanthropy is fail

the only reason i still post here its the only website left where the formatting makes any fucking sense at all.
I'm going to continue my full-time job and reintegrate into a local org I'm estranged from.
[account deactivated]
idk why so many people seem to have such a grim personal outlook. i was far more depressed and unstable before i discovered the science of marxism-leninism which finally allowed me to make sense of this world and my place and duty within it.

now organizing work at least gives me purpose and direction, and whenever i'm feeling blue i can just look at tables of cuban literacy rates.

tpaine posted:

TheIneff posted:

I'm going to continue my full-time job and reintegrate into a local org I'm estranged from.

...like your family.

*you start to tear up*

Heh..ha, Ha. Whoo, yeah 😁😁😁😃😃😃😃😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅

in 2016 i will read TWO books for the vietnam thread. looking forward to a productoive year. red salute to all my comrades who have shaped (and sharpened) my view of the world over the years!
permanent defeatism is pretty cool. I'm gonna start hanging out with preppers
i'm relatively happy on my quest of subjectification
I'm getting into anarcho-primitivism now, as soon as the world population drops down to something like 30,000 people I feel it will really take off

chickeon posted:

im gonna blow up that stupid anticommunist monument thing in ottawa if they build it

white and red salute

im too exhausted to give a fuck most of the time. its nonetheless good to know one is Literally Right
Yeah it's pretty weird that James Deen became the Feminist Pornman because even by porn standards his stuff is often highly violent. On the other hand he's got civilian ladys literally begging to get impaled on his dick on his website, so, dialectics

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

mister blankfein. i have terrible news. one of the alcoholics in the offsite commie webzone dedicated the 60 seconds per day he might have otherwise spent posting funny pics to instead smashing capitalism. your jet is gassed up and we're ready to flee to singapore at a moment's notice
Jimmy Deen's Sausage
please do not be rude to the funny pics thread
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I'm miserable

Take heart, there will be another crisis before too much longer and nothing will change
[account deactivated]