For people who thought that Twilight was dumb and sexist, well now it's been rewritten so that Bella is now a male and Edward is a female. Turns out that the story ends up exactly the same, so much for sexism I guess. Maybe you guys who are constantly harping about how dumb and sexist Twilight is should have remembered the phrase from the Bible, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
FSAD posted:From an interview with Stephanie Meyer: "The hardest part was making the words good. I opened up the book in Microsoft Word, and it only took about thirty seconds to replace Bella with Beau and Edward with Edwardina. Then I replaced he with she, no problem. But I hadn't really considered what would happen next. I replaced she with he, thinking they'd all be switched. Oops, turned out that all the people words in the book now said he. I had to revert to the original copy of the file. I tried it the other way, replacing she with he first, but it turned out to be almost exactly the same problem, only reversed. I tried it the first way again but the same thing happened. It took me about 50 hours to go through the whole book and replace them one at a time. I think I got most of them so I sent it to the book man, the man who makes the books. I got a text from him later "wtf stephanie u forgot 2 do his and her". So I opened up the file again and replaced his with her. Everything worked fine. Then I replaced her with his. Oh. My. God. The same fucking problem again. I reverted the file to the original and lost everything I had done from the beginning. So I had to replace all the words by hand and that took me another 100 hours. That was longer than I spent writing Twilight originally."
Xhe should have used the gender-neutral xher.