tpaine posted:terry, just. *sighs* just, i don't know. can you just...?
Send a rescue chooper filled with maltball schnapps and evangelion dvds over 600km of brackish nutria-ruled tree shit to your half story banyan fungalow? K
Edited by cars ()
gyrofry posted:one time i hit a chupacabra with my balls
i hit Mr. T with my balls. welcome to the webring
Edited by swampman ()
shriekingviolet posted:someone stepped on my face while I was passed out on the floor last night, have a pretty cool scrape/bruise on my eyelid
RIP shrek
tpaine posted:i never hit an armadillo but i've hit two raccoons and a cat. one raccoon fucked my car up really bad.
my only armadillo encounter of note was a cool one though. i was walking around in the woods behind my house and two little baby armadillos came up to me. they weren't scared or anything and they let me pet them for like 10 minutes before they scampered off
the armadillos gave you aids
shriekingviolet posted:DYTD news: my housemate is going to be doing some home brewing soon, and I'm half hoping the batch spoils so I can distill that shit and kill us all
homemade makgeolli trip report: pretty unpleasant.
i bought a pabst blue ribbon 24 ounce to go along with 200 ml of vodka, that i had form way before, after work a while ago in the hopes of getting real drunk like i used to and i could only make it halfway through the beer before i couldn't go on. it was just a bunch of disgusting liquid with no alcohol. i switched to the vodka right after.
how an alcoholic can drink twenty something cans of weak beer in one day i have no idea.
Peelzebub posted:how an alcoholic can drink twenty something cans of weak beer in one day i have no idea.
Very Carefully.