a friend of mine was almost hired at a clothing store or whatever and they were like you're awesome we just need your social insurance number to like open your employee file or whatever. then they went back into the office for a bit. then they came out and were like sorrrryyyy we decided to go in another direction. so he's certain they ran an (illegal) credit check and were concerned by the fact he doesn't pay his bills. i'm not sure if that's what you mean. or are you talking about like a guy googling you and finding a trove of posts about never going full hitler.
[account deactivated]
think im just being overly paranoid, nvm

tpaine posted:

they found out about your drawer pissing grawp


i dont have a criminal record but i was charged with interfering with a police investigation for flipping my id at a cops feet instead of handing it to him and telling him to pick it up.
[account deactivated]
I was denied a job at fedex kinkos because of my criminal record.
it was not worth fifteen hundred dollars to do that
not a background check story and also not my story, but still. one of my old leftist troll buddies from twitter was questioned by the feds when there was a bomb scare at his college. it had absolutely nothing to do with him but he was obviously on their radar as a potential troublemaker. he thought it was funny until they asked him what he was doing chatting with so-and-so on a particular date. once again that had nothing to do with the bomb scare they were ostensibly there to investigate but he certainly got the message which was 'hey pal, we're reading everything in your google account'.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

petrol did you or did you not get blackout drunk, pee in your drawer, and then act like you couldn't understand why your linens were wettened the next day? ANSWER ME

not that i can recall, officer

every time that either the immigration march or the gay pride parade was coming up one of the old punk anarchist bullshit squats in austin would get raided because they knew there were anarchist black bloc kids in there. there was probably someone snitching but there were some sad stories of peopel going to jail for years over a dime bag and whatnot
lol texas
corollary question: have any of you (or your close relatives) been able to gain high security clearance and/or been able to become a military officer through direct commission promotion? (lol)
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

gwarp posted:

corollary question: have any of you (or your close relatives) been able to gain high security clearance and/or been able to become a military officer through direct commission promotion? (lol)

i had a friend applying for a janitorial position that might have occasionally had him doing shifts in an rcmp station, and part of the application process for security clearance was "has anyone you know ever used a file sharing service? if so, list their names, the files they downloaded, and the date and times of said downloads"

thank god he walked out or i'd be in foreverjail

Joe Marigold, Louis_CK_2002_raw.flv, 2.03.2011-3.27.2011 (dialup connection)
why would he not just lie

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

why would he not just lie

he's not the kind of person with the courage to put random bullshit false information on a cop form, and claiming you don't know anyone will just cause you to fail the check anyways because they know that there is literally no one of our age range who doesn't know of any piracy

i guess i did fail a background check twice.

once i went to go see face/off with my friends and the ticket guy said how old are you and i said 17. and he said you need to be 18 to see this movie, so i'm going to ask you again, how old are you. and i'm like, i'm 17 bro, i can't lie. and my friends were like we hate you so much and now we have to see jurassic park 3.

the other time was a few years ago when i called a jewish health centre to get counseling and they were like... your name is donald (redacted)... you're not jewish are you... and i was like no... no. sorry. goodbye.
i dont know anyone who pirates :makes the troll face:
[account deactivated]
Donald Göring
your friend should have adjusted his glasses (he should always have thick wire-rimmed glasses for interviews) and say "excuse me, but i don't even own a computer"

for being such a subversive lifestylist the interviewer will be thrown off guard and probably hire your friend on the spot
he's working on his masters now, so he's not interested in janitor jobs atm. but he will be again in the near future!
you know who else has a masters? that's right:
I knew someone in university back in the UK who was going for an internship in the states but they refused his work visa at the last minute cos he was gonna be working at a nuclear physics lab and his middle name was Jihad

littlegreenpills posted:

I knew someone in university back in the UK who was going for an internship in the states but they refused his work visa at the last minute cos he was gonna be working at a nuclear physics lab and his middle name was Jihad

luckily they found him a pos'n at the TRIUMF facility in Vancouver, the Canadians were like "eh, whatever" which im sure wd upset a lot of ppl here. perhaps I shd leak it to the globe and mail or whatever. "PERSON WHOSE MIDDLE NAME IS LITERALLY JIHAD CLEARED TO WORK IN NUKE LAB"

don't worry, already been taken care of. thank you for your cooperation, citizen.

dipshit420 posted:

you know who else has a masters? that's right:

*does it all DIY, all of it, yes even that*


dipshit420 posted:

you know who else has a masters? that's right:

this was my favourite pic because of the danger window. like his kid comes running down the stairs, trips and flies through the window lol.

the other one i like a lot is this:

because you get a sense that he's almost thought he's in over his head trying to lay pipe for a sewage system. then the inspector came and was like... you can't lay pipe like this, that is very against code and he had to spend a huge sum of money doing it right.


dipshit420 posted:

you know who else has a masters? that's right:

what keeps those stairs up


ilmdge posted:

what keeps those stairs up

i think that's where grover's phrase "load-bearing drywall" came from.

I do think it's pretty impressive that he basically built a multi-story house w/ electricity and plumbing all by himself, even though it's a death trap. I'm not very handy.

getfiscal posted:

the other time was a few years ago when i called a jewish health centre to get counseling and they were like... your name is donald (redacted)... you're not jewish are you... and i was like no... no. sorry. goodbye.

matrilineal descent donnie

sewage pipes should just be above-ground. imo