Panopticon posted:if the cia made it to drum up support for imperialist intervention i think they'd do it more professionally and forbid fox news writing stories about any fuck ups
well, let's say the CIA made it themselves, which no one is saying, really, but let's say that. here's the question: is it working?
Di a little mock up of how an operation like this probably works check it out:
daddyholes posted:Panopticon posted:if the cia made it to drum up support for imperialist intervention i think they'd do it more professionally and forbid fox news writing stories about any fuck ups
well, let's say the CIA made it themselves, which no one is saying, really, but let's say that. here's the question: is it working?
british media seem to be more focused on the schoolgirls travelling to syria which i would think would lend itself to isolationist sentiment in the public, if anything
daddyholes posted:Panopticon posted:if the cia made it to drum up support for imperialist intervention i think they'd do it more professionally and forbid fox news writing stories about any fuck ups
well, let's say the CIA made it themselves, which no one is saying, really, but let's say that. here's the question: is it working?
so what are people suggesting is behind these doctored videos? every time one of these comes out there's some people going all out about sheeple not questioning the man, but if these videos are faked somehow, what is supposed to be faked? why? are the people who i guess maybe didnt actually die still alive to be part of prisoner exchanges or something? that seems counterproductive but i cant think of any other reason for faking the executions of prisoners
tpaine posted:i have five of broats
did you see the new brule thing
Panopticon posted:if the cia made it to drum up support for imperialist intervention i think they'd do it more professionally and forbid fox news writing stories about any fuck ups
why would that be the case, looking at even just the very recent history of imperial propaganda used to drum up support for intervention in Libya etc, they don't give a shit dude
-Me, just before I shut the door in the face of Graeme Wood
Waylondo posted:intense question: what if everything in the atlantic article were true?
intense answer: how about you go fucking die you piece of SHIT
FSAD posted:Like I find it demeaning that you don't even grant Arabs the agency to burn people to death of their own free will, why are Americans and Jews the only ones who can accomplish horrific destruction?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Waylondo posted:intense question: what if everything in the atlantic article were true?
im gay
FSAD posted:Is there any actual evidence that the CIA is pulling the puppet strings on ISIS besides of course the entirely reasonable belief that Muslims are following the correct religion and therefore wouldn't do Bad Things
the way i interpret people saying this is that they're talking about things like US arms sales and training to """"moderate rebels"""" in syria and arms sales to who the hell ever in saudi who then fairly openly give them to whatever takfiri/salafi groups they want.
but then why do they tolerate the other gulf states stability? was iraq just that much more powerful and independent of washington than saudi and the uae?
this is Imperialism Is the Highest Stage of Capitalism 101 idk if you're trolling
Vijay Prashad posted:Libya has two governments. The one in Tripoli, dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned the aerial bombardment as an intrusion of Libya’s sovereignty. At an Arab League meeting, Qatar – the self-anointed nerve center of the Muslim Brotherhood – also criticized the attack, saying, “Unilateral military action on another member state could harm innocent civilians.” Egypt’s envoy to the League, Tareq Adel, accused Qatar of “supporting terrorism.” By terrorism, Adel means the Muslim Brotherhood and not Al-Qaeda. Qatar withdrew its ambassador from Egypt. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which represents the six Gulf Arab states, tried to moderate the tension. This is not a new problem for the GCC. When Egypt’s current government cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood last year, Qatar made its disapproval known. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE withdrew their ambassadors from Doha in retaliation. The GCC had to resolve the crisis. Again, this month, the GCC entered the fray. It urged the members to patience. Messages went between the capitals feverishly. The GCC first offered mild criticism of Egypt’s actions in Libya, but then withdrew its statement. Confusion reigns.
The GCC has not been able to stand united over the past five years. The most important split is not between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but between Saudi Arabia and Oman. Riyadh is upset with Oman’s Sultan Qaboos bin Said al-Said for his secret mediation between Iran and the United States over the nuclear deal. Animosity against Iran drives Saudi Arabia. If the US-Iran deal comes through, it would threaten the environment that Saudi Arabia has created. Oman is party to this new climate. But Oman is not alone. The UAE, otherwise a loyalist of Riyadh, has been unwilling to accept a common currency for the Arabian Peninsula, while Kuwait does not want to allow Jordan into the GCC. These last two are irritants for the kingdom. Apart from what the kingdom sees as Oman’s mendacity is the dangerous game that Qatar is playing with the Muslim Brotherhood. The “Upstart of Arabia” has opened up fissures in the peninsula. The kingdom has tried to chastise the emir several times, including – it is said – forcing the abdication of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani in 2013 for his son, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. These are the elements of the New Arab Cold War.
New Cold War
In 1965, Malcolm Kerr’s The Arab Cold War suggested that two forces – conservative monarchies and socialist republics – tore through the Arab world from Iraq to Morocco. Syria, for Kerr, was the main theater for this war – the United Arab Republic (1958-61) brought Egypt and Syria into a common platform and angered the Gulf Arabs monarchies, particularly Saudi Arabia. Syria remains, fifty years later, a key battleground for the Arab Cold War, although the protagonists are no longer the same. The conservative monarchies remain, having outlived the socialist republics. History was meant to have gone the other way, with anachronistic monarchies falling before the socialist future. But force plays a key role in human history, and this is what paved the road for the resilience of the monarchies. The camps arrayed in Syria now would not be familiar to Kerr: on the one side are the conservative monarchies, with their Western allies, and Turkey; on the other side is the so-called Resistance Axis, which includes Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Lebanese movement Hezbollah. Sectarianism seems to define the camps on the surface – Sunni here, Shia there. But other motivations are at work, including the politics of the moment.
this article seems good and it's written by a marxist who consistently doesn't erase class etc.
Edited by Bablu ()
Lykourgos posted:Has anyone from joined isis yet?
Just checking in (not a cop) and wondering if anyone here is a terrorist (not a cop), or if y'all are sticking to posting about CIA conspiracy theories saying things like "they don't give a shit, dude." (not a cop)
Anyways let me know if you are in ISIS. thx.
littlegreenpills posted:someone called me an armenian genocide denier, an isis apologist, an erdogan shill and an anti-kurd racist for bringing this up on twitter
lol you triggered his wrongthink gland and he sprayed everything he had on you. Next time wear waders
chickeon posted:saudi arabia is like the prototypical client state of the US empire and a bludgeon used against the rest of the region in its machinations, that's why it's "tolerated" (completely indebted to and dependent on the us for its entire existence). "keep their oil relatively cheap" can be read as completely tanking the price of oil as a means of economic warfare as has been detailed and explained extensively by khamsek. There's never been a point at which saudi arabia was anything but a tool used by the US/UK to oppose and crush regional resistance to empire while resources are plundered and populations decimated and enslaved tortured and subjugated in every possible way
this is Imperialism Is the Highest Stage of Capitalism 101 idk if you're trolling
SA can charge whatever they want for oil, the important thing is they lend the money straight back to the Fed and into the financial system
altho wasnt the gameplan in 2002 to secure iraqi oil, opening the option of regime change in saudi too?
they've all seen how untrustyworhty europe & america towards partners like libya and syria anyway
I worry that if ~the left~ keeps constantly ragging on white america they are just going to run them into the arms of national socialism/fascism while sitting in a sea of liberal shit feeling self satisfied and smug about how they fought 'the good fight' on tumblr. by perpetuating racism rather than addressing the concrete inequalities of our system liberals are showing themselves to be nothing more than racists - but don't worry, because they are one of the Good Racists. As long as you hate white people you are in the club. They don't really care about their constituency, and rather than addressing real problems they generate boogeymen to get everyone's emotions riled up over. they just want to be seen 'fighting the bad man' on the behalf of the helpless minorities while ensuring that they remain trapped in their economic position to lock in their voting bloc.
TL;DR liberals are trash