Petrol posted:chickeon posted:there's been at least a couple widely publicized cases of glorification of rape incest lately including one where a father raped and groomed his 16 year old daughter to become his wife in liek the most painfully obvious case of extremely predatory sexual and psychological abuse and liberals ate it right up as like a thing that shouldn't be punished by summary execution anyways death to america
i immediately hit the little 'plus reputation' button as i finished reading this post and i probably would have done that anyway but i realised that you could write absolutely anything and as long as you conclude with "death to america" i will love it
the above quoted post contains two instances of "death to america"
gwarp posted:isn't jezebel a serious, semi-respectable site? why would the editors allow this to be published?
WildStalins posted:gwarp posted:isn't jezebel a serious, semi-respectable site? why would the editors allow this to be published?
WildStalins posted:gwarp posted:isn't jezebel a serious, semi-respectable site? why would the editors allow this to be published?
somehow i didn't expect this to be what the url said it was, but there you go
chickeon posted:remember when woody allen was continually and rightfully shamed and attacked for something way less egregious than the piece of shit rapists in question in these fucked up incest stories being eaten up by liberals as cool and acceptable
dont kinkshame.
chickeon posted:remember when woody allen was continually and rightfully shamed and attacked for something way less egregious than the piece of shit rapists in question in these fucked up incest stories being eaten up by liberals as cool and acceptable
i don't think they're applauding the perpetrators tho rite?
getfiscal posted:tell zizek that stalin was obviously correct in his dispute with trotsky because he stayed in power, just like hitler was correct for the period that he was in power, because you should always support what exists over an idea.
this makes things so much easier, thanks!
chickeon posted:remember when woody allen was continually and rightfully shamed and attacked for something way less egregious than the piece of shit rapists in question in these fucked up incest stories being eaten up by liberals as cool and acceptable
Yeah liberals are scum and the people pushing the concept of incest as a reasonable thing should be combatted both on the internet and in clash of clans. skype me for an invite to the bigdykballaz (level 108)
Edited by Barbarossa ()