fellow mod Shrek has also been made thread monitor. let it not be said that we were too proud to bring our ideas to the posters so that their struggle can purify us and our theory.
[account deactivated]
actually we need to write eye-catching articles with the front page text optimized for searches for new movie trailers.
you have deep seated emotional issues with that reptile guy who runs your state, what happened to those posts? did he die or did florida hold an election or fall off america or something?
feelings arent real

shriekingviolet posted:

cars posted:
Thelneff has been appointed thread monitor because i for some reason remember that person's libsoc or anarchist-friendly? and all my experience with radical politics in the United States says, giving anarchists the power to fuck with people is the magical ingredient to make superfluous Democratic Party shit funny

all my experience with radical politics in Canada says, giving anarchists the power to fuck with people is the magical ingredient to creating an endless feedback loop of "you hurt my feelings > you hurt MY feelings when you told me I hurt your feelings > you hurt MY feelings when you told me I hurt your feelings by telling you that you hurt my feelings..."

this isn't anarchists this is just modern liberalism??? i mean that may also be anarchists

i can't believe the nazi fascist mods closed my mods thread. now i have to spam the sanders thread. you called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
tpaine this was a cool soundtrack,

it's probably a little too upbeat for your style i guess

everything about faxanadu was cool
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tpaine posted:

i rented that game when i was like 6 but i was bored by it and didn't play it. sorry cat dj, wee tpaine has owned you through time

i rented that game when i was like 6 too, i am not owned, wee tpaine

the art & music stuck with me though. it's just a cool feeling. the opening is so dark and quiet. the game itself isn't the thing

you both owned yourselves, game's great
political analyst contrasts trump's electoral campaign to obamas, points to material conditions constraining ideology

Panopticon posted:

political analyst contrasts trump's electoral campaign to obamas, points to material conditions constraining ideology

jesus that professor going on about cultural enactment or whatever...

CPUSA endorsed Hillary lmao
At the last democratic debate Bernie Sanders was asked to name two people, one foreign and one domestic, from history whom he most admired. His answers were Franklin D. Roosevelt for an Amerikan and Winston Churchill as an admirable non-Amerikan.

At first glance this answer may seem to only be a confirmation of what is already widely known about Sanders, i.e. that he wants to placate potentially revolutionary unrest of the country via economic liberalism while still recognizing the perpetual maintenance of empire as his primary role.

On a closer look however, the selection of those two particular figures to make this point does seem a little coincidental. It's natural for the mind to complete hanging sequences with the omitted term. Red, Yellow, ______; The Father, The Son , ________. Is Bernie Sanders perhaps trying to tell us who his true historical hero is, the third Ally--Joseph Stalin?

He may be making a coded message to revolutionaries that he must still 'play the game' at least for the time being. But for now I think we need to trust that he's trying to show that he is a true Marxist-Leninist at heart.

Edited by postposting ()


postposting posted:

At the last democratic debate Bernie Sanders was asked to name two people, one foreign and one domestic, from history whom he most admired. His answers were Franklin D. Roosevelt for an Amerikan and Winston Churchill as an admirable non-Amerikan.

At first glance this answer may seem to only be a confirmation of what is already widely known about Sanders, i.e. that he wants to placate potentially revolutionary unrest of the country via economic liberalism while still recognizing the perpetual maintenance of empire as his primary role.

On a closer look however, the selection of those two particular figures to make this point does seem a little coincidental. It's natural for the mind to complete hanging sequences with the omitted term. Red, Yellow, ______; The Father, The Son , ________. Is Bernie Sanders perhaps trying to tell us who his true historical hero is, the third Ally--Joseph Stalin?

He may be making a coded message to revolutionaries that he must still 'play the game' at least for the time being. But for now I think we need to trust that he's trying to show that he is a true Marxist-Leninist at heart.



le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

CPUSA endorsed Hillary lmao

i thought the fbi wasnt allowed to officially endorse people

I envy all of you who skipped marxoteendom while having to read animal farm

getfiscal posted:

oh my god

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one of my friends in high school bought a $700 pair of moccasins which i found odd.
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le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

CPUSA endorsed Hillary lmao

jesus lmao http://www.cpusa.org/tactics-and-the-2016-elections

i understand the liberal turn in the communist parties, this has happened to varying degrees across the west over the years and for obvious reasons, but openly campaigning not only for the democrats but for the most electable candidate, hahahah, yes it would be so embarrassing for the communist party to have bet on the wrong horse. after all, we should bear in mind the wisdom of paul krugman and the AFL-CIO. does the CP stand for clown pants

Within the past few years the outspoken leninists have been purged or theyve split off, at least out here in the west. Their CC organized a coup against local ML leadership in a large Texas branch and the Utah and So Cal youth orgs (Young Communist League) split off in response, with the former joining FRSO (iirc) and the later becoming Red Guards LA.

This moment in leftist trainspotting brought to you by bay area kush
I'm practicing for the podcast
The ycl in Utah joined the frso? or did you mean Texas?
I have met two cpusa members here in the course of two years. I didn't know they had a youth org here at all.

The cpusa has resources though. They're worth targeting for their downtown ny real estate alone. Imagine the organizer salaries you could pay off that one building.... mama mia

stegosaurus posted:

The cpusa has resources though. They're worth targeting for their downtown ny real estate alone. Imagine the organizer salaries you could pay off that one building.... mama mia

i forgot where in midtown it was so i checked google maps and they've got some good-assed fotos

i think the correct term is "listening station"
can this thread and the trump thread somehow be merged into a single US elections containment zone?
Yeah the CPUSA is pathetic but also that party was systematically targeted, infiltrated, and attacked for decades with the full weight of the US govt so it's not really surprising that it's been destroyed and that mediocre liberals and intelligence agents are the only people still hanging around there, and even the spooks have probably moved on honestly, 'nothing to see here'
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conec posted:

who is president yet


conec posted:

who is president yet

the orbest president