class struggle is ad hominem (attacks on the bourgeoisie) combined with appeal to authority (recognition of the proletariat). let all voices have their say and we can weigh the arguments on their merits.
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

class struggle is ad hominem (attacks on the bourgeoisie) combined with appeal to authority (recognition of the proletariat). let all voices have their say and we can weigh the arguments on their merits.

nice strawman

*shuts copy of Das Kapital so hard that the friction between the pages causes a fire*

The intro to my "Communist Manifesto" was written by the guy that also wrote the intro to the english translation of the Black Book of Communism. Some fun snippets:

"... a paradox in Marxist terms. To be sure, after Marx's death in 1883 his message was at last the dominant one in German socialism. Yet this was due less to the effect of the new industrial "base" on the worker's consciousness than to that of the Imperial "superstructure" on socialism's intellectual leaders."

"To be sure, the Russian revolutionaries of the day - peasant oriented socialists called "populists" -quite misread him. They interpreted his depiction of the horrors of capitalism as a warning to Russia to avoid it at all costs, and so to jump directly from "feudalism" to socialism. They believed, moreover, that the collective land holding of Russia's peasant communes would permit such historical leapfrog. What is even more unscientific, when the peasants failed to rise up in reposnse to the populists' appeals, these student intellectuals resorted to a Blanquist conspiracy, the People's Will, to destroy Tsarism by terror. And in 1881 they assassinated Emperor Alexander II - "illogical" perhaps, but indubitably revolutionary."
"to be sure" is the grandfather of "literally" as literary crutch
Don't rile up the 'stang. Have some civility, OP.
mustang19 and i are aaron swartz journal stealing buddies and he knows that i support him 100%
tu quoque
mustang and i often have old fashioneds together at my city's yacht club
dat argument is a huge strawman
no true scotsman votes No
guidoanselmi's startup is taking off & a liberal geneticist told me today that blaming Stalin for vernalism is like blaming Napoleon III for anti-Pasteurism, can Deep Communism be far behind?? #Winning