I mean just think about it
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strong support for the Judeobolshevism theory
i agree in that only the soviet project can liberate the jew from the prison he has built for himself

Agnus_Dei posted:

strong support for the Judeobolshevism theory

alotta antisemites point out that both the party and many top leadership positions were overrepresented, population-wise by jewish people. The nkvd were headed by a jewish majority. It also established the only true home of the jewish nation. Zionist traitors even now spread the poisonous antisemitism and anticommunism that sustains their crimes. I think ppl should stop being antisemitic and support USSR for once. Criminals

[account deactivated]
plus stalin initially supported the creation of israel in the ancient jewish heartland of palestine and gave them weapons to do so.
i agree with da OP. Jews.
By its nature, Zionism concentrates ultra-nationalism, chauvinism and racial intolerance, excuse for territorial occupation and annexation, military opportunism, cult of political promiscuousness and irresponsibility, demagogy and ideological diversion, dirty tactics and perfidy... Absurd are attempts of Zionist ideologists to present criticizing them, or condemning the aggressive politics of the Israel's ruling circles, as antisemitic... We call on all Soviet citizens: workers, peasants, representatives of intelligentsia: take active part in exposing Zionism, strongly rebuke its endeavors; social scientists: activate scientific research to criticize reactionary core of that ideology and aggressive character of its political practice; writers, artists, journalists: fuller expose anti-populace and anti-humane diversionary character of propaganda and politics of Zionism
some figures who blamed Jews for communism, like Winston Churchill, promoted Zionism because it purportedly would counter-act the appeal of the Bolshevist menace to the Jewish people.
they were right
i agree. this is also why i dont criticize banks, hollywood, or the nyc garment industry in the early 20th century
lol churchill believed in the jewminatti, this is awesome

stegosaurus posted:

they were right


i think usa and ussr had roughly similar attitudes and treatment of their jewish populations leading up to the postwar period tbh
right up to limiting jewish admissions into elite universities. booya
thats definitely much more impressive in the soviet case given america never had pogroms and such though
those were probably homosexual jews though so

roseweird posted:

jewish ppl left the soviet union for the u.s. and israel though, sorry crow. hi crow

Yeah I'm aware of the ongoing success of the antisemitic Zionist plot


c_man posted:

i agree. this is also why i dont criticize banks, hollywood, or the nyc garment industry in the early 20th century

you don't criticize antisemitic institutions such as banks and Hollywood "or the nyc garment industry"? Good for you, antisemite

but surely xomrades, we all subscribe to the Nazi race science that proves Jews are distinct from other near eastern peoples that share the semitic language family.

libelous_slander posted:

what amount of nudity is too much tho

intense anti Semites, such as Tel Aviv University archaeology professor Israel Finkelstein, have concluded that the group that came to be known as "the Jews" was originally a multi-ethnic gathering native to the levant, & part of an intermarrying and largely amorphous population from which most other Near East peoples are also descended. clearly this little race-mixing Mengele is not to be trusted.
"I don't think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews." --Fidel Castro
wow Professor Finkelstein, President Castro, I like how *checks index card* rrhrhrhhmm, it's almost like the claim that Jews have to displace the existing population in Palestine is equivalent to the claim that Spaniards have to displace the existing population in Morocco. Wow. *checks* Whoa.
i lob e jews i would gladly sell myself into slavery to jews, seriously good people.

gwarp posted:

i lob e jews i would gladly sell myself into slavery to jews, seriously good people.

i, too, would like to Get A Job


stegosaurus posted:

what amount of nudity is too much tho