The monarchy in Saudi Arabia doesn't allow non-Muslims into Mecca.

Freedom of movement is a basic human right which is identified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights supported by the United Nations:

Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

I believe we need a Saudi Spring to tear down this wall of bigotry and allow Christians, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Deists and other religionists into Mecca.

remove house of saud from this world and return them to allah they r taghut
uh, just convert to islam and problem solved?
saudi togetherheid
2x post

aerdil posted:

uh, just convert to islam and problem solved?

aerdil nails it again. close thread

i mean i dont let any friend just enter my hentai pleasure room, just people that appreciate and respect it for what it is. there's a thing about personal sovereignty here maybe we should consider
hmm. lots of great points. unfortunately i already threw my vice column to the editors and they said they love it and i would receive 10 vice credits for it which is almost enough to promote my blog.
we should invade their country, kill their leaders and convert them to communism
Saudi Arabia is one of the good ones, sorry tennessee

gyrofry posted:

we should invade their country, kill their leaders and convert them to communism


it bad
its not too late to oppose british imperialism and back house rashid, the rightful rulers of nejd and ha'il
there was a saudi arabian comrade in the branch of the socialist party i belonged to. he was in exile for trade unionism and his family were under house arrest. thats what you get for joining an org
a Saudi Arabian guy was largely responsible for my current politics. So pretty much the worst.
a Saudi Arabian ESL student accosted me in a train once and said among other things "You marry, mister? I marry...I marry my cat! Ha ha ha joke joke"

HenryKrinkle posted:


Downvoted. Wikipedia is not a good source Krinkle. Try http://www.globalresearch.ca/

look at what the saudis did to mecca lol
remember after 9/11 when rightists were raging about nuking mecca. it happened lol. the place has been destroyed more thoroughly than any bomb could manage. they've torn down the house mohammed was born in. they've built 120 garish pomo floors of luxury apartments, hotel suites, and shopping malls right over the kabaa. high-speed lifts to bring prostitutes to the wealthy pilgrims. vast department sores so you can make the hajj in style. mecca is finished lol
Yeah Islamic architecture is tacky. Also the whole "we don't paint human figures" is obviously a cop out by bad artists. There will never be a Muslim Mona Lisa....
islamic architecture was pomo before there was pomo; the prohibition on naturalistic forms forced them to suggest the human form through entirely abstract designs. i think this is why a lot of (especially medieval) islamic architecture feels so 'personal'... it's not humble, there's a sublime, but it's the sublime of a personal and accessible god, while in christian europe the equivalent is the sublime of a vast & inhuman state bureaucracy. of course when this is mated with contemporary western pomo as in mecca their incest gives rise to monsters

deadken posted:

look at what the saudis did to mecca lol


In Mecca, the Masjid al-Haram, the holiest site in Islam and a place where all Muslims are supposed to be equal, is now overshadowed by the Jabal Omar complex, a development of skyscraper apartments, hotels and an enormous clock tower. To build it, the Saudi authorities destroyed the Ottoman era Ajyad Fortress and the hill it stood on. Other historic sites lost include the Prophet’s birthplace – now a library – and the house of his first wife, Khadijah, which was replaced with a public toilet block.

Muslims don't practice idolatry and therefore don't worry about historical sites. Except the Muslim Faith Cube. I'm not sure why the Muslim Faith Cube is different. I'm not sure if it glows or something.

getfiscal posted:

Muslims don't practice idolatry and therefore don't worry about historical sites. Except the Muslim Faith Cube. I'm not sure why the Muslim Faith Cube is different. I'm not sure if it glows or something.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met
in Washington to change Earth time.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The bible time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

capital wins again *pops champagne bottle full of crude oil*
according to wahhabi doctrine god destroys the world and creates it anew every instant so nothing is really old and the medieval architecture in mecca has no historical importance. in a way the saudi state is the perfect realisation of the dreams of 20th century futurism

deadken posted:

according to wahhabi doctrine god destroys the world and creates it anew every instant so nothing is really old and the medieval architecture in mecca has no historical importance. in a way the saudi state is the perfect realisation of the dreams of 20th century futurism

they stopped believing that once they realized they were just high and there was a strobe light.

disneyland mecca
lol didnt bechtel build the new Masjid al-Haram
who cares
looks like the saudis don't pass the bechtel test

deadken posted:

look at what the saudis did to mecca lol

Sick JRPG town

wow, looks like a tower that is taller than everything around it, like the kind a modern army might use to defend something nearby from insurgent enemies on foot.
the clock is my favorite thing. what the fuck is that doing there.
time to eatgle.