also i think quind's thread was his response to the stalin quote that justifies rape:

Does Djilas, who is himself a writer, not know what human suffering and the human heart are? Can't he understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a wench or takes some trifle?

oh yeah i think that was the conclusion but it was generally a post about the red army
good info all.. updating my LF backup tape archive.
[account deactivated]

Lessons posted:

The ferretball post is such an obvious troll and it's got some good lines but IDK how people are still falling for it.

Well, it was written by Ferretball, so you never know

[account deactivated]
San Francisco.
central ontario
[account deactivated]
Did you know that Buffalo NYC is the only city on earth named after an animal?
if you move to philadelphia you get to listen to elton john's "philadelphia freedom", which is a really good song. actually you could do that in central ontario too, like i am doing now.
move to pitcairn island
prague is a lot of fun so its probably a nice place to live
all the ny prices w/o the ny cred nd + it's still p. dangerous!
[account deactivated]
get quind to post here
get khamsek/german joey/jools to post here
get clarence and fedallah to post here
move to baltimore and/or just wish for death
live in the woods dude

TG posted:

prague is a lot of fun so its probably a nice place to live

prague rules and it's cheap as shit. you can get eyefucked by neonazis hanging out with their families in rural parks, drink for pennies in centuries-old community gardens that got created as part of the nascent labor movement, and due to quirks of local politics activism is, on occasion, actually effective! a friend's housing organization is working directly with the mayor right now, which is the kind of thing most orgs in the US only get to dream of. plus i got blackout drunk and apparently rubbed my genitals on the door of the recently deceased vaclav havel's apartment. sorry buddy.


palafox posted:

TG posted:

prague is a lot of fun so its probably a nice place to live

prague rules and it's cheap as shit. you can get eyefucked by neonazis hanging out with their families in rural parks

im sick and tired of all these horney neonazis!!!


roseweird posted:

haha are you from freeport thelneff


roseweird posted:

pls recommend places to move to from neow york

Neo Tokyo

5,000 a month to live in a church gutted by capitol to serve the interests of the rich. its so evil it's not even satanic
like satanic people in red robes about to sacrifice a baby drop their bone daggers mid ritual see this and are like "Whoa man. Just....Just whoa. $5,000 a month? To live in a church? I need to call my mom."
I'm visiting NYC in late July if any posters want to put up with my ass
i read that as "if any posters want to put it up my ass"
either one will probably work tbqh
that shit is satanic though barbara. hail satan because hes right over there by the whole foods.
siZzLIN HOT NYC GRUB TIPS: keep a small purse or bag handy at all times at any Manhattan whole foods location because gud damn is it easy to live off the xXxcesses of capitol from the buffet
you can stay with crow. he's cool with this, just show up.
do any posters want to put posters up on my ass. its the only free space left in toronto
just show up dude. I live in 123 Droos pizza box Brooklyn, NY
i will stay with u crow. or hang out with u in the failbar

littlegreenpills posted:

do any posters want to put posters up on my ass. its the only free space left in toronto

is this a serious offer? i have a closet of about a dozen heavy cardboard tubes filled with stacks of extra large posters that i received due to a shipping error. no one else will take them. this is not a joke. i cant even get to my clothes anymore. i need help

i know a guy what has original maoist propoganda posters from actual real china (he's a china expert) and i would sell/give them to u guys if you want (getfiscal???)
i want