or can u even like imagine ever having cable? seems p alien to me
i have cable
i dont even own a television
i have a big ass tv but no cable
I have a big as cable with no tv
All I get is non-stop dog the bounty hunter but i cant complain beth has some big boobs
I was sad when they took ice road truckers off netflix
My TV only plays video games.
i have cable, but no tv
watching baseball everyday
[account deactivated]
i just have to like, watch people live their lives irl. not having cable sucks.
i have cable but no cable channels, to keep costs down. We don't have cnn or fx or comedy central or amc or any of the various cable channels that exist. we complained that our cable package doesnt have any cable channels in it and still costs a lot so they gave us a free subscription to hbo.
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hopefully when we have holographic cinemas there will be one in the ukraine called the holodome
No dude no one gonns lower u down into the Vat of Queso with their cables. Jesus christ you are fat aha
i had cable when it was cheaper to have my internet plan w/ cable than my internet plan alone. that was a few years ago
cable sucks in America. I remember when I was young that the selling point of cable was that there were no commercials. I didn't get it anyway and then later I came to America and was confused when cable still had commercials. Cable sucks commercials suck go away television
I have loads of cables. 6 gauge, SIS, coax, PVC insulated, shielded, fiber. whatever you need I can "obtain"
yea sure... "I" have cable... lets go wi that
young americans won't buy TVs or houses or cars and the whole economy will collapse because of this.
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Lykourgos posted:

cable sucks in America. I remember when I was young that the selling point of cable was that there were no commercials. I didn't get it anyway and then later I came to America and was confused when cable still had commercials. Cable sucks commercials suck go away television

This is why I upvote Lykourgos

animedad posted:

I have loads of cables. 6 gauge, SIS, coax, PVC insulated, shielded, fiber. whatever you need I can "obtain"

Hell Yeah

sure i got ur cable right here *unzips pants to reveal nothing but angelic bare skin* fuck.
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Tpaine not likeing the new 2014 Racial turn

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tpaine posted:

i'm sorry for criticizing rap music tropes, i forget that lf thinks anyone who has been discriminated against is blameless and holy and can do no wrong ever

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tpaine neatly solves this problem by never talking to anyone ever
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calm down clarence
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nobody cares clarence lol
dubstep fuckin owns
i put my itunes on shuffle the other day & it was like being transported back to 2009 when i was dropping mdma every other day and listening to synthesised farting in big dark rooms with 900 other attractive young idiots. good times fun memories