roseweird posted:Themselves posted:if you're asking what communism would do that's good, you haven't read any marx; if you think marxism hasn't been a force for change in the world then you haven't studied history
i don't think i'm really asking those things i'm just confused about the actual meaning of our speech and activities
i get it, and i know it seems intractable and i know the seductive allure of smoking weed and watching anime or reading Christian anime or translating Classical anime, or getting an anime job and close anime friends and having an anime family and a fulfilling anime social and anime professional life, but it did all change before, both slowly slowly slowly and with great cataclysmic drang, and it all came about because groups of thoughtful and committed citizens were coming up with ideas on How To Be Right and only then to Convince Others and as a last step Come Up With Positive Strategies In The Here And Now. Central to Marxism i feel is the soundbite "It Was A Zero Sum Game All Along" and i think finding a way to somehow transmit something so simple would be so so powerful. I'm mostly talking to myself now but that's ok
roseweird posted:yeah thats what i was trying to do, disprove the labor theory of value ??????? destroy marxism ????? what???
you've made it clear you're just venting pretty much which is ok
im just pointing out that a study of marx and a study of history go hand in hand
roseweird posted:i don't think i'm really asking those things i'm just confused about the actual meaning of our speech and activities
maybe reading a book would help
Furr, and READ!
roseweird posted:littlegreenpills posted:Central to Marxism i feel is the soundbite "It Was A Zero Sum Game All Along" and i think finding a way to somehow transmit something so simple would be so so powerful. I'm mostly talking to myself now but that's ok
yeah i don't know, i was with you up to here, what does this mean?
I think lgp means that he wants to work against the rhetoric of "a raising tide lifts all boats" apologetics for capitalism... to continue existing capitalism needs to reproduce the proletariat and continue the appropriation of surplus value, so instead of lifting people out of poverty it can only perpetuate it.
You're getting vague answers out of people because this basic analysis is the sort of stuff we all agree on and it largely goes unspoken on our Stalinist irony forum.
chickeon posted:hang wringing bullshit about wahh we need to capitulate and make nnew words is a favourite passtime of epic fake l;eftists and crap ass liberals of the D&D forum of something awful dot com. keep that diaper dumpster trash the hell outta heah
NoFreeWill posted:hegel is trash as crazy online lady Rosa Luxembourg has helpfully pointed out, and somehow 21st century marxists are still using dialectics...
rosa lichtenstein. luxemburg died when she tried to overthrow a democratic government with her terrorist friends.
roseweird posted:i still don't get what ppl are doing here except enjoying self righteous anger and judgmental exclusion
i think you get what people are doing here just fine???
roseweird posted:ecofemisocialism
does this exist anywhere outside of brooklyn tho?
roseweird posted:anyway maybe i will just smash my laptop, move to a faerie commune and forget about the year i spent talking with ironic internet marxists. my brain is already scratching over all the noise.
it's widely acknowledged that extensive exposure to irony can cause mental illness, including but not limited to prodromal schizophrenia. i would advise caution in the face of the extreme irony levels present in this forum.