Our nation is wanting in strength. The military spirit has not been encouraged; The physical condition of the population deteriorates daily. This is an extremely disturbing phenomenon. The promoters of physical education have not grasped the essence of the problem, and therefore, their efforts, though prolonged, have not been effective. If this state continues, our weakness will increase further. To attain our goals and to make our influence felt are external matters, results. The development of our physical strength is an internal matter, a cause. If our bodies are not strong we will be afraid as soon as we see enemy soldiers, and then how can we attain our goals and make ourselves respected? Strength depends on drill, and drill depends on self-awareness. The advocates of physical education have not failed to devise various methods. If their efforts have nevertheless remained fruitless, it is because external forces are insufficient to move the heart.
Physical education complements education in virtue and knowledge. Moreover, both virtue and knowledge reside in the body. Without the body there would be neither virtue nor knowledge. Those who understand this are rare. People stress either knowledge or morality. Knowledge is certainly valuable, for it distinguishes man from animals. But wherein is knowledge contained? Morality, too, is valuable; it is the basis of the social order and of equality between ourselves and others. But where does virtue reside? It is the body that contains knowledge and houses virtue. It contains knowledge like a chariot and houses morality like a chamber. The body is the chariot that contains knowledge, the chamber that houses virtue. Children enter primary school when they reach the proper age. In primary school, particular attention should be paid to the development of the body; progress in knowledge and moral training are of secondary importance. Nourishment and care should be primary, teaching and discipline complementary. At present, most people do not know this, and the result is that children become ill, or even die young, because of studying. In middle and higher schools, stress should be placed equally on all three aspects of education. At present, most people overemphasize knowledge. During the years of middle school, the development of the body is not yet completed. Since today the factors favouring physical development are few, and those deterring it numerous, won't physical development tend to cease? In the educational system of our country, required courses are as thick as the hairs on a cow . Even an adult with a tough, strong body could not stand it let alone those who have not reached adulthood, or those who are weak. Speculating on the intentions of the educators, one is led to wonder whether they did not design such an unwieldy curriculum in order to exhaust the students, to trample on their bodies and ruin their lives.... How stupid! The only calamity that can befall a man is not to have a body. What else is there to worry about? If one seeks to improve one's body other things will follow automatically. For the improvement of the body, nothing is more effective than physical education. Physical education really occupies the first place in our lives. When the body is strong, then one can advance speedily in Knowledge and morality, and reap far-reaching advantages. It should be regarded as an important part of our study. Learning has its essential and its accessory parts, and affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will bring one closer to the proper way. This is exactly what I intend to say.
Because man is an animal, movement is most important for him. And because he is a rational animal, his movements must have a reason. But why is movement deserving of esteem? Why is rational movement deserving of esteem? To say that movement helps in earning a living is trivial. To say that movement protects the nation is lofty. Yet neither is the basic reason. The object of movement is simply to preserve our life and gladden our hearts. Chu Hsi stresses respect, and Lu Chiu-yuan stresses tranquillity. Tranquillity is tranquil, and respect is not action; it is merely tranquil. Lao Tzu said that immobility was the ultimate goal; the Buddha sought quiet and methods of contemplation. The art of contemplation is esteemed by the disciples of Chu and Lu. Recently there have been those who, following these masters, have spoken of methods of contemplation, boasted about the effectiveness of their methods, and expressed contempt for those who exercise, thereby ruining their own bodies. This is perhaps one way, but I would not venture to imitate it. In my humble opinion, there is only movement in heaven and on earth....
One often hears it said that the mind and the body cannot both be perfect at the same time, that those who use their minds are deficient in physical health and those with a robust body are generally deficient in mental capacities. This kind of talk is also absurd and applies only to those who are weak in will and feeble in action, which is generally not the case of superior men. Confucius died at the age of seventy-two, and I have not heard that his body was not healthy. The Buddha travelled continually, preaching his doctrine, and he died at an old age. Jesus had the misfortune to die unjustly. As for Mohammed, he subjugated the world holding the Koran in his left hand and a sword in his right. All these men were called sages and are among the greatest thinkers...
Physical education not only strengthens the body but also enhances our knowledge. There is a saying: Civilize the mind and make savage the body. This is an apt saying. In order to civilize the mind one must first make savage the body. If the body is made savage, then the civilized mind will follow. Knowledge consists in knowing the things in the world, and in discerning their laws. In this matter we must rely on our body, because direct observation depends on the ears and eyes, and reflection depends on the brain. The ears and eyes, as well as the brain, may be considered parts of the body. When the body is perfect, then knowledge is also perfect. Hence one can say that knowledge is acquired indirectly through physical education. Physical strength is required to undertake the study of the numerous modern sciences, whether in school or through independent study. He who is equal to this is the man with a strong body; he who is not equal to it is the man with a weak body. The division between the strong and the weak determines the area of responsibilities each can assume.
Physical education not only enhances knowledge. it also harmonizes the sentiments. The power of the sentiments is extremely great. The ancients endeavoured to discipline them with reason. Hence they asked. 'Is the master always alert?' They also said: 'One should discipline the heart with reason.' But reason proceeds from the heart. and the heart resides in the body. We often observe that the weak are enslaved by their sentiments and are incapable of mastering them. Those whose senses are imperfect or whose limbs are defective are often enslaved by excessive passion, and reason is incapable of saving them. Hence it may be called an invariable law that when the body is perfect and healthy, the sentiments are also correct ….
Physical education not only harmonizes the emotions, it also strengthens the will. The great utility of physical education lies precisely in this. The principal aim of physical education is military heroism. Such objects of military heroism as courage, dauntlessness, audacity, and perseverance are all matters of will. Let me explain this with an. example. To wash our feet in ice water makes us acquire courage and dauntlessness, as well as audacity. In general, any form of exercise, if pursued continuously. will help to train us in perseverance. Long-distance running is particularly good training in perseverance. 'My strength uprooted mountains. my energy dominated the world' — this is courage. 'If I don't behead the Lou Lan, I swear I will not return'— this is dauntlessness. To replace the family with the nation — this is audacity. ' was away from his home for eight years, and though he thrice passed the door of it, he did not enter' — this is perseverance. All these can be accomplished merely on the basis of daily physical education. The will is the antecedent of a man's career.
Those whose bodies are small and frail are flippant in their behaviour. Those whose skin is flabby are soft and dull in will. Thus does the body influence the mind. The purpose of physical education is to strengthen: the muscles and the bones; as a result, knowledge is enhanced, the sentiments are harmonized, and the will is strengthened. The muscles and the bones belong to our body; knowledge sentiments, and will belong to our heart. When both the body and the heart are at ease, one may speak of perfect harmony. Hence, physical education is nothing else but the nourishing of our lives and the gladdening of our hearts.
dank_xiaopeng posted:i dunno that sounds pretty nerdy? how can i blast deadlifdts if im busy doing nerd shit all the time
One often hears it said that the mind and the body cannot both be perfect at the same time, that those who use their minds are deficient in physical health and those with a robust body are generally deficient in mental capacities. This kind of talk is also absurd and applies only to those who are weak in will and feeble in action, which is generally not the case of superior men.
dank_xiaopeng posted:the only kernels i study are Corn Prices
conec posted:would be cool to know the bye bye bye dance imo
most def
fleights posted:bulking and cutting is vulgar, it is a teaching of bodybuilding which is an american ideology whose base is founded on the use of steroids that will destroy the body and make it unfit for protracted warfare
Actually they make you immensely strong and cool as the Soviets can attest friend.
first she gives you a copy of the owner's book, which has his life philosophy about fitness and shit. it's like a full 200-page book and it looks extra terrible. she then started into her spiel and i keep interrupting to be like look, no, i don't want all this measuring shit and health planning and such, i've already taken the tour, just sign me up. anyway each time i did this she got increasingly angrier. then i realized she is required to do the whole spiel about every aspect of their services or whatever verbatim. so she compromised by reciting it as fast as she could. it was really really dumb. like she was speaking so fast i could hardly understand, but i didn't care that i couldn't, and she looked wildly angry while doing it. then she tried to get me to fill out forms naming my friends and i was like no i'm not doing that lady come on. she said, since you're not working full time i recommend the $150 training package and i was like i'm not doing training. Not Doing Training Now. then she gave me a cheap-ass gym bag and i was like i don't even want this, i have like ten random bags at home. and she didn't understand, she was like "you're not taking the bag???"
hahaha it was so silly. anyway it was also extremely cheap ($30 a month) so whatever.
littlegreenpills posted:my arms are quite skinny but elsewhere i am real fuckin Swole esp. in gut region
working up a fine bloat is an honorable activity
getfiscal posted:i posted this in another thread but it makes more sense to post here: i joined the gymnasium today. i joined the corporate one at the mall because it is a better location for me than the YMCA. i was warned by my dietitian that they upsell hard. boy howdy was she understating it. i show up and i'm like yeah i want to sign up monthly, no training or anything i just want to run for now. so she takes me over to a table to fill out the paperwork.
first she gives you a copy of the owner's book, which has his life philosophy about fitness and shit. it's like a full 200-page book and it looks extra terrible. she then started into her spiel and i keep interrupting to be like look, no, i don't want all this measuring shit and health planning and such, i've already taken the tour, just sign me up. anyway each time i did this she got increasingly angrier. then i realized she is required to do the whole spiel about every aspect of their services or whatever verbatim. so she compromised by reciting it as fast as she could. it was really really dumb. like she was speaking so fast i could hardly understand, but i didn't care that i couldn't, and she looked wildly angry while doing it. then she tried to get me to fill out forms naming my friends and i was like no i'm not doing that lady come on. she said, since you're not working full time i recommend the $150 training package and i was like i'm not doing training. Not Doing Training Now. then she gave me a cheap-ass gym bag and i was like i don't even want this, i have like ten random bags at home. and she didn't understand, she was like "you're not taking the bag???"
hahaha it was so silly. anyway it was also extremely cheap ($30 a month) so whatever.
goodlife is cool. i got a discount there by joining the canadian association for retired persons
also why'd you join a gym to run? esp in the summer
Bablu posted:also why'd you join a gym to run? esp in the summer
i find it much easier to run inside on a treadmill than outside around random people.
discipline is strength