RedMaistre posted:"Cairo – Commander of the Libyan National Army Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar assigned a new military commander for Benghazi in what seems Haftar’s preparation to announce the liberation of Benghazi, east Libya.
Meanwhile, National Army troops declared they were close on fully liberating the city and destroying the final terrorist presence in the city."
In 2011 media, politicians, human rights industry created a frenzy around supposed upcoming massacres in Benghazi based on the opposite of facts available to them (Gaddafis forces had reconciled not fought Rebel towns along the way, dark skinned people there were not mercenary rapists, rebels really were AlQaeda etc)
Now haftar really will commit massacres in that city, as his army comprises numerous death squads that act with total impunity.
Not even a fart from the R2P complex
Petrol posted:hot twitter take: someone ought to literally execute noted misogynist muammar gadhaffi
i looke for this but it seems that its one take too far. But it reminded me that the "liberation" of libya was marked with a speech to 10,000 people about how they were bringing polygamy back
Old news (from 2011) but just leaving it here to compile later.
Reminder that these are the liberators who have had free reign in the country last 6 years
When the sun sets on the refugee camp for black Africans that has sprung up at the marina in this town six miles west of Tripoli, the women here brace for the worst.
The rebels who ring the camp suddenly open fire. Then they race into the camp, shouting "gabbour, gabbour" — Arabic for whore — and haul away young women, residents say.
"What am I bid?" Undercover footage of a slave auction in Libya, where smugglers sold migrants for as little as $400
— CNN International (@cnni) November 14, 2017
Libya had about 2.5 million African workers when NATO invaded in 2011
ghostpinballer posted:i find libya super fucking confusing and difficult to wrap my head around. granted i'm a massive dumbass with only the slightest grasp of syria and yemen, but it's at least a grasp, you know? even then every so often i'll find out something new that makes me recalibrate my understanding of those conflicts. libya just seems completely beyond my abilities however.
all you need to know is that practicing imperialist Viletat possibly definitely died on Sept 11th because of a protest of a film that insulted Mohammed. possibly the most D&D way to die.
Some other fun anecdotes. A Haftar-aligned newspaper claims he is part of a team called the "Mirage F1 Technical Training Group" which includes Ecuadorian maintenance crews in their ranks, which seems credible as this op popped up in a U.N. report on the Libyan war last year, which also mentioned the death of another "Portuguese" pilot in June 2016 during a raid on ISIS in Sirte:

A reference to the "anti-possession" tattoo worn by Dean Winchester (played by actor Jensen Ackles) in the hit WB series Supernatural, which recently concluded its 14th season.

that's a salient
it s really strange to have a proxy war not between the US and the USSR but between imperalist pawns like turkey and qatar vs saudis and the UAE while the former is supporting religious freaks and the latter is supporting ostentatiously secular organizations
Assertion is that UAE wants to create a chain of friendly "strong man" states (+ Sudan) like Egypt.
I'm trying to get a handle on it but can only just make posts. One of interesting things is that Libya still has a socialist economy with the GNA functioning as a vehicle for receiving oil proceeds -- it is internationally recognized so it controls oil revenues that go into the Central Bank of Libya (Tripoli). That money pays out state wages but the real power are Islamist militias in Misrata who sodomized Gaddafi to death with a bayonet. Haftar's government meanwhile keeps the lights on by running up billions of dollars in debt via his finance ministry issuing bonds sold to his central bank in Benghazi. The dinars that get paid out (cash) are printed in Russia and pays out wages to state employees and his army.
Haftar controls most of Libya's oil fields and the campaign earlier this year south of Tripoli took Sharara, which is Libya's largest oil field. I want to learn more about the petroleum security forces which seem to act as like a "third force" that periodically takes over production facilities when they want raises. The Sharara petroleum force shut that motherfucker down in December and only reopened when Haftar's army men rolled in and cut a deal.
One theory (maybe) is that Haftar rolled toward Tripoli because after taking Sharara, the ultimatum to the GNA was to demand a share of the oil proceeds "or else" and the GNA said no. But Haftar can't take Tripoli because he is an old man who had been relaxing in Virginia for 20 years before this and his army is comprised of kiddies, and they're better at showing off hardware for French T.V. crews while driving fast down the highway than they are at fighting. The more fundamental question is what do ordinary Libyans want, while I can't answer that it's probably "both/neither" in that they want stability which the militias can't provide, but Haftar doesn't have much in the way of real support, and the men around Haftar are seen as ex-Gaddafists and he's a flunkie for the UAE to test weapons on civilian populations.
Also France backs Haftar so you know France 24 was right there at the beginning of the offensive, CNN-style and with videos of Toyota playset technicals supplied by UAE:
Edited by trakfactri ()

But a U.S. guy (CEIP) is painting a grim picture for Haftar in this article:
The Tiger was an armoured personnel carrier, supplied by the Emirates, that had just been destroyed by GNA fighters. We could see the glow of its burning wreckage just over a hedgerow. The LNA thought it had been hit by an anti-tank missile, but GNA militiamen had been ordered to pull back because ‘we’re hitting it from the air.’
The degree of precision suggests a strike by a drone, rather than one of the GNA’s ageing jets. In the last month, the Tripoli forces have received armed drones from Turkey, which, along with Qatar, is opposed to Egyptian and Emirati support for Haftar. Turkish and Qatari influence in Libya had been in retreat for several years, but now the GNA is turning to whoever can help. Turkey has also provided armoured personnel carriers, though the GNA fighters would prefer smaller, nimbler vehicles. The drones, however, are having a real effect.
On the battlefield, the militias fighting Haftar are surprisingly cohesive and well co-ordinated. But just months ago, some were fighting one another – and suspicions remain. I met young Tuareg men from Libya’s far south fighting in a Tripoli-based militia with a large Salafist component called the Special Deterrence Force. There are fighters from Benghazi, displaced by Haftar in his previous war, with a desire for vengeance. They cover their faces because they have family in the east, vulnerable to retribution. The ethnic Amazigh (commonly known as Berbers) in Libya’s western mountains worry about Haftar’s exclusivist Arab vision. ‘The first thing any dictator does is go after minorities,’ one of their officers told me.
My guess is that Haftar is going to lose the war, meaning the UAE will have blown another op in the 21st century's most remarkable losing streak. The video below is being spread as anti-LNA propaganda / is unconfirmed / etc. and is from a GNA-aligned paper, but if Haftar's army is like this...
Recognized by UN mission in #Libya and some Western and Arab countries as Libyan National Army, warlord Khalifa Haftar’s militiamen, apparently under the influence of drugs, release a video boasting about their abilities to use arms by firing randomly in densely populated areas.
— The Libya Observer (@Lyobserver) July 19, 2019

another thing is that we have been in some kind of simmering crisis with almost every country in eastern mediterranean over the LNG extraction right around cyprus. managed to unite greece, egypt and israel against us. and then a few weeks ago we signed an agreement with the jihadi government about territorial waters over an area greece claims to have rights (no idea if they are right or wrong) and they got pissed off. maybe related to the whole sending troops thing
The 604th battalion of the #Sirte Brigade, which some describe as Salafi, joins #Haftar’s ranks. City is now under #LNA control.
— Ghaith A (@AlSanusiG) January 6, 2020
Another city seized by Haftar and the LNA