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[account deactivated]
what kind of material or subject matter are you looking to post?
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Ooist==the steampunk weddubg photos.
instead of paying contributors i'd feel a lot more comfortable if u used the donations to buy a nice pair of pants since youre unemployed and all and will be going on job interviews
[account deactivated]
aerdil posted:instead of paying contributors i'd feel a lot more comfortable if u used the donations to buy a nice pair of pants since youre unemployed and all and will be going on job interviews
no. use the donation to buy more jobs. Invest in jobs stock. Simple as that.
discipline posted:it's not enough for anything but some posts really
please dont tell people my meditation mantra
will you pay me for writing comments
good grand reopening post.
[account deactivated]
illl write tweets for you for a dollar
i will write a regular weekly column if you pay me a living wage (with benefits) consistent with our common trotskyist principles.
[account deactivated]