here's fred ho on richard aoki's supposed status as an fbi informant, which i don't know enough about to rebut or confirm
does anyone have any thoughts/ know anything one way or the other?
discipline posted:The authors also admit that conditions for the African American population have not markedly improved since the end of the party - more black people in prison, more poor black people, but that the black bourgeoise was allowed certain gains.
"We should let some people get rich first, both in the countryside and in the urban areas. To get rich by hard work is glorious." - Deng Xiaoping
when you say the collapse of international support, how important was the rise and fall of the cultural revolution on the BPP?
how important was gun control in suppressing the panthers? is this something radicals should be fighting against or has that debate shifted too much for armed self defense to be a serious possibility in todays black community?
just some questions ill think of more tmr
deadken posted:it's cops, the answer is cops
It really is. Read The Savage City by TJ English for more cops n' cocaine deetz.
Lykourgos posted:What was the role of the Chicago Police Department regarding Fred Hampton's death? Was it just a matter of the officers being on loan to the CCSAO (I imagine the CCSAO lacked a large investigations department back then), or did the CPD have an active planning and decision making role in the process?
babyhueypnewton posted:Do you think organizing prisoners as radical lumpenproletariat who exist outside state hegemony is still a viable model for a revolutionary party? obviously some organizations like MIM and the New Afrikan Black Panther Party do but in my limited understanding they haven't done much (compared to the BPP which exploded in a couple of years).
prisoners should be recruited and used for what theyre obviously good for: as foot soldiers for the strategic commission of crimes against the state and its corporate allies, making sure to keep them down in the lower ranks of need-to-know information and yourself cloaked in enough alibis and plausible deniability to protect the Greater Movement from their inevitable recapture and immediate, predictable, and self-serving squealing to the pigs (which is what got the BP the first time)
the only way to reliably prevent shit like that is either by erecting an impenetrable and inviolate wall between movement leadership and any and all criminal action, or a brutal and equally-inviolate system of OmertÃ
Superabound posted:like i hate to say this but every single one of those Black Panthers that got arrested and then let back out of jail sang like a fucking canary
the only way to reliably prevent shit like that is either by erecting an impenetrable and inviolate wall between movement leadership and any and all criminal action, or a brutal and equally-inviolate system of OmertÃ
the answer is Both, there's a reason hitler had the brownshirts murdered
angelbutt_dollface posted:i felt that one was too obvious/sexual for the safespace that is the rhizzone
lol i actually didnt think about that, i was just naming the character of the hit show "leave it to beaver"
discipline posted:Comrade Lenin says that the only way to avoid the damage snitches do is to combine legal and illegal work in a skillful way, but then that was like 1920 so...
and he's a particularly good authority on that because, according to Ian Grey's biography of Stalin, police spies were able to infiltrate the central committee from the very beginning because he was a bad judge of character
Crow posted:on the other hand, i guess though they did infiltrate the central committee, apparently they were unable to neither curtail nor ground revolutionary activity, and failed to mire the revolution nor defeat the construction of socialism. probably it's inevitable that spies will infiltrate the organization, the question is how to make them impotent & inconsequential
I've always maintained it was the social chaos, constant defeats and rampant demoralization of the war that enabled the revolution. police spies themselves were infected by it. crisis, social breakdown and chaos is really the sine qua non, organization and ideological education must lead up to that moment. there may be a certain level of infiltration you have to live with at the end of the day
fleights posted:i've heard a dude say that ww1 actually jeopardized the bolsheviks plans for a united international front and basically cleared out a lot of communist workers from the petrograd and moscow factories to get massacred on the front lines, slowed down what they were trying to accomplish
if they were real communists why did they bother going in the first place
littlegreenpills posted:Crow posted:on the other hand, i guess though they did infiltrate the central committee, apparently they were unable to neither curtail nor ground revolutionary activity, and failed to mire the revolution nor defeat the construction of socialism. probably it's inevitable that spies will infiltrate the organization, the question is how to make them impotent & inconsequential
I've always maintained it was the social chaos, constant defeats and rampant demoralization of the war that enabled the revolution. police spies themselves were infected by it. crisis, social breakdown and chaos is really the sine qua non, organization and ideological education must lead up to that moment. there may be a certain level of infiltration you have to live with at the end of the day
on some level I agree with you but also realize that this kind of thinking leads ppl to sit around on their asses cause revolution isn't on the immediate horizon. then when conditions actually start fermenting, we'll struggling to get a disciplined and functional revolutionary org up and running in time and end up tailing the masses
futurewidow posted:on some level I agree with you but also realize that this kind of thinking leads ppl to sit around on their asses cause revolution isn't on the immediate horizon. then when conditions actually start fermenting, we'll struggling to get a disciplined and functional revolutionary org up and running in time and end up tailing the masses
i agree without sarcasm and it would also be nice if most of the existing "disciplined and functional revolutionary orgs" in the West gave up and went away, because they're Trots and incredibly embarrassing