elemennop posted:(1) How many papers or assignments have you not written yourself?
All the ones I did not write.
elemennop posted:(1a) How many of those did you pay for?
Before i answer this question I have to know whether this includes the cost of printing the papers and / or paying for the discs which I received them on.
elemennop posted:(1b) In general, how much would you estimate you pay for one?
See the clarification request I made in the last question.
elemennop posted:(2) Have you ever cheated on an exam?
elemennop posted:(3) Have you ever been caught for plagiarism or cheating? \
An informal 2011 study entitled "A Conspiracy of Hogs: The McRib as Arbitrage" draws a correlation between the price of pork and the timing of McDonalds offering the sandwich, as all five of the US McRib offerings between 2005 and 2011 have occurred during low points in the price for pork.
Edited by Merzbow ()
is McRibs pig soylentgreen
quibs posted:do we feed pigs our extra McRibs
is McRibs pig soylentgreen
Nah man, it's reddend by sauce.