youve got to start somewhere my guy
do they sing the internationale to open uk labour party congresses or am i imagining things

jools posted:
Anyway, it's not like outright communist parties have 30% public support in any European countries or anything, My Guy!


[account deactivated]
the KKE descends from the pro-soviet half of the 60s greek eurocommunist split. they didn't win everywhere like they did in italy. plus SYRIZA has all kinds of parties in it, so really there's something for everyone.

Groulxsmith posted:
do they sing the internationale to open uk labour party congresses or am i imagining things

nah, the red flag, it's much shitter. a dirge.

how many people who blog about the need for direct action have ever gone on to actually risk their lives & freedom doing direct action
that person is disabled & can't walk

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

how many people who blog about the need for direct action have ever gone on to actually risk their lives & freedom doing direct action

tom literally risks atherosclerosis and diabetic paralysis every day

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
how many people who blog about the need for direct action have ever gone on to actually risk their lives & freedom doing direct action

and that's how maoists third-worldists were born


noavbazzer posted:
At what point will we concede that discussing the revolutionary tactics of marxist vanguards and just what the black bloc's ideological classification is is tantamount to renaissance faires

wow. fuck u buddy.


shennong posted:
that person is disabled & can't walk

that's why I asked if anyone does it. unless all bloggers have doctor's notes excusing them from Revolutionary Vanguard Duty.

Revolutionary Violence is still quite possible even if you are disabled. See: Breaking Bad Season 5
working with any given group is never perfect, you're never gonna line up ideologically with them 100% and sometimes it's downright embarrassing being seen with them but it's a darn good way of learning the basics of organizing and what's effective and what isn't. I can't justify staying behind the computer makin angry blog posts but I'm a big babby, I can't say I've ever risked my life or freedom doing anything really either *shrug*

jools posted:
Anyway, it's not like outright communist parties have 30% public support in any European countries or anything, My Guy!

yeah and if we discuss revolutionary tactics on here enough and if our poasting contains the new political economy then those European communist parties will do what they never did in the age where they had actual concrete support

any revolutionary groups are welcome to use my summer home as a safe house but --PLEASE-- clean up after yourselves!!
my spirit animal is lenincat
face it boys, an old banner is rising anew... but it aint the red flag


crustpunk_trotsky posted:

shennong posted:
that person is disabled & can't walk

that's why I asked if anyone does it. unless all bloggers have doctor's notes excusing them from Revolutionary Vanguard Duty.

yeah i think a related question is do any of these people actually have any experience with organised violence. actually its not a question because none of them do. i think thats part of the reason for the vociferous reaction to hedges, however tendentious his article was he still has more direct experience of revolutionary violence than the memberships of every communist organisation in north america put together. theres something weird and gross about a bunch of dudes whipping out their dicks and waving them around yelling IM NO PACIFIST at an old man w/ PTSD from getting shot at for a good chunk of his adult life

nobody's a revolutionary before they're a revolutionary

shennong posted:
theres something weird and gross about a bunch of dudes whipping out their dicks and waving them around yelling IM NO PACIFIST at an old man w/ PTSD from getting shot at for a good chunk of his adult life

how could they face their lives each day without the assurance deep in their hearts that they are very badass revolutionaries willing to do whatever is necessary for the people's victory... anything......


shennong posted:

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

shennong posted:
that person is disabled & can't walk

that's why I asked if anyone does it. unless all bloggers have doctor's notes excusing them from Revolutionary Vanguard Duty.

yeah i think a related question is do any of these people actually have any experience with organised violence. actually its not a question because none of them do. i think thats part of the reason for the vociferous reaction to hedges, however tendentious his article was he still has more direct experience of revolutionary violence than the memberships of every communist organisation in north america put together. theres something weird and gross about a bunch of dudes whipping out their dicks and waving them around yelling IM NO PACIFIST at an old man w/ PTSD from getting shot at for a good chunk of his adult life

among domestic terrorists, why is it that "lone nut" or tiny groups of right-wingers have much better success at revolutionary violence and leftist groups seem to have disappeared since the 1970s

how are we defining "labor aristocracy" here because a lot of POC would fit the definition given by virtue of them benefiting from third world exploitation (albeit at far, far lower proportions).

noavbazzer posted:
face it boys, an old banner is rising anew... but it aint the red flag

hmm. bit retro. need an updated fasces for a modern age. how about a riot shotgun wrapped in a bundle of pepper spray cans


littlegreenpills posted:

noavbazzer posted:
face it boys, an old banner is rising anew... but it aint the red flag

hmm. bit retro. need an updated fasces for a modern age. how about a riot shotgun wrapped in a bundle of pepper spray cans


crustpunk_trotsky posted:
ok, then what would/should they do differently, I mean the op seems to focus entirely on the socioeconomics of the people performing the actions instead of the validity of the actions. I guess my general problem is I wish people who complain that "X isn't really revolutionary" and say "we need direct action" would actually come out and say "we need another wounded knee/alcatraz" or "we should target x y z" instead of tiptoeing around it.

the author isn't saying that the petit bourgeoisie can't be radicalized into a revolutionary movement, it's just that not all radical petit bourgeoisie movements are necessarily revolutionary.

crustpunk_trotsky posted:
what were the direct actions taken by red bloc & what did they accomplish, could you please elaborate. or did they literally tear down a wall, I'm not familiar with them

im not really all that familiar with it, but from what i gather the red bloc tried to get the direct action focused on targets that directly symbolized police repression and would have an effect on way the protest would be able to develop (the wall) while the black bloc wanted to go after media vans, large corporations, and go against capitalism in general.

futurewidow posted:
I'm p interested in why they consider the CPC non-critical of their white left status.

pogfan r u in toronto too?

im not, my guess is that the CPC doesn't consider internal colonialism to be one of the most important and pressing issues for organizing within canada, as far as I know the RCP-PRC (not related to the avakian rcp) is the only broad communist party that does

HenryKrinkle posted:
how are we defining "labor aristocracy" here because a lot of POC would fit the definition given by virtue of them benefiting from third world exploitation (albeit at far, far lower proportions).

it's important to remember that labor aristocracy isn't a class formation, it's about how class consciousness develops in the imperialist core countries.

even though colonized people in the US do receive some benefits from imperialism, the benefits are structured in such a way that it affects the development of a labor aristocratic class consciousness. it still definitely has an effect, though


In one of the major international tests, the European-based Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, American students as a whole scored 502 in 2009, slightly above the industrialized nation average of 500.

But if white students are considered separately, Mr. Buckley said, their score would have been 532, which would have ranked them sixth, while African-American students as a group had a score of only 435, putting them between Bulgaria and Romania.


shennong posted:

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

shennong posted:
that person is disabled & can't walk

that's why I asked if anyone does it. unless all bloggers have doctor's notes excusing them from Revolutionary Vanguard Duty.

yeah i think a related question is do any of these people actually have any experience with organised violence. actually its not a question because none of them do. i think thats part of the reason for the vociferous reaction to hedges, however tendentious his article was he still has more direct experience of revolutionary violence than the memberships of every communist organisation in north america put together. theres something weird and gross about a bunch of dudes whipping out their dicks and waving them around yelling IM NO PACIFIST at an old man w/ PTSD from getting shot at for a good chunk of his adult life

agreed. thats why i support our troops


pogfan1996 posted:
the author isn't saying that the petit bourgeoisie can't be radicalized into a revolutionary movement, it's just that not all radical petit bourgeoisie movements are necessarily revolutionary.

ok. well that's sorta self-evident. if I might critique this piece a bit *puts on reading glasses, hikes up trousers, harumphs* it would be more worthwhile to debate whether or not things like black bloc, wikileaks, anonymous, and other p-b disturbance groups have the potential to be revolutionary, and if so, what steps they should take to build off their foundation


futurewidow posted:
working with any given group is never perfect, you're never gonna line up ideologically with them 100% and sometimes it's downright embarrassing being seen with them but it's a darn good way of learning the basics of organizing and what's effective and what isn't. I can't justify staying behind the computer makin angry blog posts but I'm a big babby, I can't say I've ever risked my life or freedom doing anything really either *shrug*

dating is teh same way for me

Does zny of this really matter. You are discus si ng ideologies like its 1968. What protest in a western city t in the last decade has actually acheived anything meaningful?
[account deactivated]
Anarchists, maoists, the sierra club, just a tiny intermitent buzz in the neon hegemony of late capitalism. Who cares.about a broken starbucks, they are insured
[account deactivated]
i still don't understand what marxists in the first world feel their role is in achieving communism.

it seems like most first world marxists are agitating for higher standards of living for the working class within the first world, which imo, runs counter-productive to achieving communism and rather is merely just a reactionary form of national socialism predicated on imperialism. i really don't see a realistic way of achieving a state of global communism or at least ending imperialism without decreasing the standard of living within the first world.

tpaine posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Does zny of this really matter. You are discus si ng ideologies like its 1968. What protest in a western city t in the last decade has actually acheived anything meaningful?

this...oohhh...oh godd...oh fuck me...oh fuckk...this...

[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:
i still don't understand what marxists in the first world feel their role is in achieving communism.

it seems like most first world marxists are agitating for higher standards of living for the working class within the first world, which imo, runs counter-productive to achieving communism and rather is merely just a reactionary form of national socialism predicated on imperialism. i really don't see a realistic way of achieving a state of global communism or at least ending imperialism without decreasing the standard of living within the first world.

I guess I see our role as opposing capitalist cultural hegemony and offering up some kind of alternative. I agree the standard of living needs to decrease and we need to fundamentally restructure our day to day lives but you can still be an active marxist. I don't disagree with you, I think first world marxism can be reactionary and imperialistic, I just think it's way too easy to take that viewpoint and use it as an excuse to put the responsibility of enacting communism entirely on the shoulders of third world people. global communism isn't going to come out of nowhere, people need to be familiar with these ideas and have a solid concept of how they function, this is as true of the first world as anywhere else.

haha i just noticed impper upvoted that post. hell ya bro, forget about communism and watch some bball