chipotle, the fast food that cares
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conec posted:

yoe what fast foode should i get i don`t generally eat ff (fast foode) but i1m in tha mood atm tbh

go to burger sty and try the corn slop

"white castle"
get real sushi sandwiches
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i think one of my least favorite life experiences is when people tell me about things they ate or want to eat
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yes, along with taking a dog bite to the face, times when friends committed suicide, bad breakups, etc, i mean for real, shut up about food, it's just food
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swampman posted:

shut up about food, it's just food

do the dogs help you with your autism

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fish 'n chips innit
shut up

getfiscal posted:

swampman posted:

shut up about food, it's just food

do the dogs help you with your autism

i dont know, does sitting at your canadian parents house trying to decide whether to go to job fairs help you with yours?

damn it getfiscal we need to stick together against wave of bad posting, please
I exclusively listen to second wave industrial

swampman posted:

damn it getfiscal we need to stick together against wave of bad posting, please

ok but only because you asked nicely

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stop eating meat, if i can do it you can too

shout out to rassenwort for ending my complicity in animal abuse with xir vids about factory farmed pigs
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conec posted:

Squalid posted:

conec posted:

k the lil nordic thing on my arm isn`t exactly a "white power tat" i jus feel comfortable w/ calling it that bcos i`m aware that lots of white power ideots get sh1t like nordic runes n mjolnirs (thors hammer)) i was in2 vikings n norse mythology as a child n jus happen 2 like that sort of fing my tat is of gungnir which is odin's mighty spear legend has it that it always striked always killed its a symbol of protection also the symbol was used by nardcore bands n i like some of that stuff tbh uhh the thing on my hand is a symbol used by a white supremacist group however i learned the symbol from a metal band who used it as their logo or w/e i dont like that band nemore but i did when i was like 14 or so nd i always thought it looked cool so yea no one has ever looked at my hand n been like "oh thats a white supremacvist tat" in fact the ppl most opposed to racism hav typically been the ones who overreact to how cool they find my tat to be not to mention my neighbor also has a skull and bones tattoo and hers even has a pirate patch so yea i mean my tats are kinda white power-y but that doesn`t make them white power tats if u knoe what i mean conec

Hey just curious, are your eccentric spellings made up on the fly or are you trying to represent some specific peasant dialect in which the TH sound has shifted to F

I ask because you sound fairly American but I'm not familiar with any white people who don't pronounce the th stateside.

good q and thank u for asking nd by the way if u have any other questiones for me i will be glad to answer dem as i have said before on LF ((laissez's faire)) i am an "open book" meaning i am comfortable sharing details about myself nd about my life have a questione well don`t hesitate to ask me cos chances are i will answer it for u now to answer ur first nd possibly ur last questione uh am i trying to represent some specific peasant dialect not dat i`m aware of i jus write as i like to but wouldn`t call dis "on the fly" bcos i been doin dis th/f swap for long time is habit by now so yea hope dat answers your questione

Thank you for the info. Guess I forgot for a sec you have a toddler posting persona, with which the elision of the th sound is sorta consistant. I asked since I'm still a bit confused by your persona/roleplay, and wanted to see the reasoning behind your stylistic decisions.

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i support medical testing on animals

conec posted:

stop being a p*ssey.. if u really gave a fuck about animal cruelty u wouldnt eat dairy or eggs either u poser

i don't, my statement was aimed at your post about kfc

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Fried chicken is good if you aren't some weird health-nut.
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honeslty eat whatever the fuck you want...you eat it, it gets turned into shit and ends up as posts here...the circle of life.
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conec posted:

yoe what fast foode should i get i don`t generally eat ff (fast foode) but i1m in tha mood atm tbh

its feelin like an Arby's night

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