this fucking rips


tears posted:

Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:

tears never fails to charm with that whitest bitch u know posting gimmick

i can fix her


Constantignoble posted:

this fucking rips

i can fix her

the guy from wulkanaz is at it again

lo posted:

the guy from wulkanaz is at it again

lol at 1:35

well this sucks https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/04/entertainment/alexi-laiho-children-of-bodom-death-intl-scli/index.html


Constantignoble posted:

bodom was one of my biggest guitar-practice motivators back in high school

i met them a few times at shows & festivals back in the mid-00's. a straightedge nerdo teen, i stupidly declined an invitation to get baked with them in their tour bus.

a grave and enduring regret

Edited by Constantignoble ()


Constantignoble posted:

Constantignoble posted:

bodom was one of my biggest guitar-practice motivators back in high school

i met them a few times at shows & festivals back in the mid-00's. a straightedge nerdo teen, i stupidly declined an invitation to get baked with them in their tour bus.

a grave and enduring regret


still listening. still in mourning.
[account deactivated]
Nice to see crakkker isis supporting the anti police movement.

just finished this and now i'm gonna replay it

also a new Portal

30-year anniversary of the best album in this particular genre imo

lo posted:

demilich are one of the only good tech death bands ever probably along with this band

i've been thinking about this and while i don't have an encyclopedic sense of the subgenre, i feel like if it was stuck in a rut, probably arguable that Gorguts pulled it out, and the bands that have taken that sort of "extreme"/avant garde clip with it have done some interesting stuff — Ulcerate, Artificial Brain, Convulsing

mostly i am also looking for an excuse to gesture again toward that Ad Nauseam album i posted recently, which i have returned to a bunch of times in the week and change since


Constantignoble posted:

Demilich and Timeghoul are essential and I agree about Gorguts. Some more favs of mine which I consider canonical in the genre:

"Privilege of Evil" ONLY (Amorphis has not come close to this since):

As for continuity, this project (conceived by a friend and former bandmate!) is an amazing nod to Demilich and Timeghoul and will surely appeal to fans thereof:


Constantignoble posted:

lo posted:

demilich are one of the only good tech death bands ever probably along with this band

i've been thinking about this and while i don't have an encyclopedic sense of the subgenre, i feel like if it was stuck in a rut, probably arguable that Gorguts pulled it out, and the bands that have taken that sort of "extreme"/avant garde clip with it have done some interesting stuff — Ulcerate, Artificial Brain, Convulsing

mostly i am also looking for an excuse to gesture again toward that Ad Nauseam album i posted recently, which i have returned to a bunch of times in the week and change since

i actually think that gorguts are probably responsible for the problems and excesses of the style, obscura is where most 'modern' tech death comes from i think. before that there were 'technical' bands that often sounded weird but they feel much more linked to prior death metal whereas most modern tech death seems to be terribly embarrassed of where it came from.

there's a new antediluvian record and it's got lots of spooky sounds on it, although, i am not so sure about the 6 minute long down pitched monologue about the numerology of 666. but that's ok they're allowed to indulge themselves a little
found some new weirdos from portugal
new stuff from Ulcerate and Akhlys

Willowtip has also hinted that there'll be something new from Slugdge this year, too
the new crucifer album is really good imo

i also really liked this crazy sounding chilean record from last year