KATHMANDU: The week-long central committee meeting of the CPN-Maoist concluded today with endorsement of party Chairman Mohan Baidhya’s political proposal.
The CPN-Maoist decided to launch an aggressive campaign to strengthen and extend the organisation of the party from mid-December 2013 to mid-February 2014 and then begin its struggle for dissolution of the CA leading to an all powerful national political conference that would ultimately culminate in the formation of a joint national government that would draft the new constitution.
Baidhya urged party leaders to research alternative models of the revolution as the existing models were outdated in the context of Nepal.
Baidhya said people’s revolt was a greater priority than people’s war, but it was not possible to go for it with the existing party structure that could not maintain secrecy and discipline. He said the party must be corrected before embarking on people’s revolt.
Pointing out that the main problem with the Nepali communist movement was that it had deviated towards the right, Baidhya declared he would not die a rightist.
The CC has assessed its poll boycott campaign as largely successful. The party also claimed that UCPN-M’s erroneous party line and deviation were major reasons behind its humiliating defeat, though the boycott campaign also played a role.
CC member Lekhnath Neupane said the party will join hands with left forces fighting for republicanism, secularism, federalism and national interest by forming a working alliance or forging unity with parties. CPN-M will appeal to all UCPN-M revolutionary to join the party that follows the true essence of communism.
KATHMANDU: The week-long central committee meeting of the CPN-Maoist concluded today with endorsement of party Chairman Mohan Baidhya’s political proposal.
The CPN-Maoist decided to launch an aggressive campaign to strengthen and extend the organisation of the party from mid-December 2013 to mid-February 2014 and then begin its struggle for dissolution of the CA leading to an all powerful national political conference that would ultimately culminate in the formation of a joint national government that would draft the new constitution.
Baidhya urged party leaders to research alternative models of the revolution as the existing models were outdated in the context of Nepal.
Baidhya said people’s revolt was a greater priority than people’s war, but it was not possible to go for it with the existing party structure that could not maintain secrecy and discipline. He said the party must be corrected before embarking on people’s revolt.
Pointing out that the main problem with the Nepali communist movement was that it had deviated towards the right, Baidhya declared he would not die a rightist.
The CC has assessed its poll boycott campaign as largely successful. The party also claimed that UCPN-M’s erroneous party line and deviation were major reasons behind its humiliating defeat, though the boycott campaign also played a role.
CC member Lekhnath Neupane said the party will join hands with left forces fighting for republicanism, secularism, federalism and national interest by forming a working alliance or forging unity with parties. CPN-M will appeal to all UCPN-M revolutionary to join the party that follows the true essence of communism.
it will be really cool to see what happens & how things develop if they successfully counteract the rightist deviation. clear a new trail of theory and practice! blaze right through that dead end! or fail miserably and we can all have fun dissecting the corpse, i guess.
are there any good books about people's war in nepal?
the prachanda path apparently leads to the dumpster. they did so bad in the elections.
can someone knowledgeable with university access pull down good articles on prachanda path and post temporary download links to the like two articles that fit those criteria
i don't know about university articles but kasama has a lot about southern asia revolutions as does signalfire
yeah thats probably better for everyone
Lysenko posted:are there any good books about people's war in nepal?
getfiscal posted:the prachanda path apparently leads to the dumpster. they did so bad in the elections.
ever thus to revisionists
i don't know how to judge the CPN-M still though. boycotts seem like an easy way to exaggerate your support if you're small. like in canada the maoists and anarchists run a boycott campaign and no one cares. but they work out all these theories about how it will transform the passive intuitions of the masses into an active revolt against parliaments or something. they might as well be talking martian to most people.
but sometimes, mars... attacks
My only regret is that I have but one like to give to that post.