this may shock you, but i think it's better to be pragmatic than hamstrung by ideology, and i have different approaches when it comes to different matters. for instance, on social issues i'm a conservative, because without the repressive superego there can be no thrill of transgression. on the other hand,when it comes to economic issues i follow the leading light of mao tsetung thought
neither of the above

deadken posted:

for instance, on social issues i'm a conservative, because without the repressive superego there can be no thrill of transgression.

yeah we know it gives you a thrill when your girlfriend has an abortion but maybe try and think about her feelings.


deadken posted:

this may shock you, but i think it's better to be pragmatic than hamstrung by ideology, and i have different approaches when it comes to different matters. for instance, on social issues i'm a conservative, because without the repressive superego there can be no thrill of transgression. on the other hand,when it comes to economic issues i follow the leading light of mao tsetung thought

im conservative on social issues because its fun to beat up/harass people who dont conform to my favorite norms. this is thrilling for me and probably for them too.

psycho sexual torture
i do whatever im told, mostly

animedad posted:

i do whatever im told, mostly

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deadken reminds me a lot of Dennis Reynolds from it's always sunny. to contribute, I'm a Classical Liberal, OP

Dennis often takes to making contracts for many types of situations
The shadow of his penis can be clearly seen in 04x06.
Dennis, aka Glenn Haverton, was a door man at the fancy boy door man modeling hotel, and also in the union Discipline works for. I am the inspiration ffor frank. YOU are the inspiration for Charlie, you naughty naughty boy