watching from your stationary bike right?
watching over the top of his belly, functioning as coaster for a tall, sweating glass of mountain dew red-alert with a miniature umbrella bobbing between the icecubes and crazy straw

getfiscal posted:

also i spent the past five hours watching five episodes of breaking bad from season 2, so uhh, maybe i'm not very busy.

everyone kept talking aobut that show so i felt obligated to watch it and man let me tell you: It Stinks! It SUcks! Big Bag of Fuck n' Gay . Ass. Pisss in Balls. Shit. It's good though. But boring. Walter's got a gruff voice.

Now if you want a good show to watch donald: Watch Vampire Diaries and True Blood.
i watched a bit of true blood and didn't mind it. too much shit about gay shit though.
some of my friends were like "true blood is ACTUALLY about homosexuality" and i watched it and was like no pretty sure it's about vampires and shit.

getfiscal posted:

pretty pretty pretty good. i'm not swole in any way. but i'm joining the gym once my sister has a baby.

i found out today im gonna be an uncle too. is there a krew yet

being an uncle is cool, my niece can only speak in monosyllabic grunts so i'm "ug"

getfiscal posted:

some of my friends were like "true blood is ACTUALLY about homosexuality" and i watched it and was like no pretty sure it's about vampires and shit.

your friend was right, True Blood is really gay


Panopticon posted:

being an uncle is cool, my niece can only speak in monosyllabic grunts so i'm "ug"

im going to teach my niece/nephew Star trek and Communism. im really excited

canada has this program where you can contribute to a college fund and the government kicks in a bonus into the fund to encourage savings. my sister and her husband earn okay money but it'd be a nice uncle thing if i could give a bit since i doubt they will contribute for a while because kids are very expensive. i should start work by november i think so i could theoretically give a bit this year. it's sort of sad that i find tax policy this interesting.

getfiscal posted:

canada has this program where you can contribute to a college fund and the government kicks in a bonus into the fund to encourage savings. my sister and her husband earn okay money but it'd be a nice uncle thing if i could give a bit since i doubt they will contribute for a while because kids are very expensive. i should start work by november i think so i could theoretically give a bit this year. it's sort of sad that i find tax policy this interesting.

thats nice. my brother and his gf live in America and just quit their jobs at a bar bc people keep getting murdered there

perhaps getfiscal you could find a job shaping this tax policy?

also being an uncle can be trill, but less so when you live hundreds of miles apart.
you should become a marine donald and if you get a high score you get medals and go on tv to be celebrated as a hero for furthering natural selection.

chck this out its hella bad ass but i dont really like the rock music, imo drowning pool would fit so nicely here

a rhizzoner appt:

getfiscal posted:

some of my friends were like "true blood is ACTUALLY about homosexuality" and i watched it and was like no pretty sure it's about vampires and shit.

Gay people: Mix your bodily fluids with theirs and you become one of them.