
Right-wing parties win Norway election
Current Labour Prime Minister concedes defeat to Conservative rivals in general election.

With three quarters of the votes counted, a bloc of four centre-right parties had won 96 of 169 seats in parliament. Stoltenberg's three-party coalition controlled 72, with one seat going to an independent environmental party.

The Progress Party looked set to lose 12 seats in parliament, which would leave it with 29. But it still treated the result as victory, as it now faced the first chance in its 40-year history of being part of a government.


christianity is safe in norway.


Stoltenberg's coalition was also criticised for the authorities' failure to prevent right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik killing 77 people in bomb and gun attacks in July 2011.

I wonder if this means specifically a failure to deal with that incident or a failure to deal with the root cause of that incident

that's a really high alphabetization percentage
housing isn't free in north korea btw. i think it's set at like 0.1% of your household income. more lies from the insane tyrant kim jong-un's fan club.

Breivik requests the Playstation 2 he has access to is replaced by a more recent Playstation 3. “Other inmates have access to video games for adults while I can only play the less interesting children video games. One example is ‘Rayman Revolution,’ a game designed for 3-year-olds,” the 35-year-old wrote.
“You have put me through hell (…) and I won’t be able to survive it much longer. You are killing me,” Breivik writes to the prison authorities, brandishing the threat of a hunger strike.

Rayman Revolution is a great game. That guy needs to be re-educated.
easy jobs have an even better reputation in the us, actually
kinda ballsy for a guy who literally killed 77 people to complain "You are killing me" because he doesnt like his treatment

Edited by ilmdge ()

it didnt make him immortal ilmdge. strong men also cry.
mustang, probably

Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

please trigger warning that shit
Still annoyed that my 'Breivheart' SA account got banned
give him an atari jaguar with 1 game instead

ilmdge posted:

Breivik requests the Playstation 2 he has access to is replaced by a more recent Playstation 3. “Other inmates have access to video games for adults while I can only play the less interesting children video games. One example is ‘Rayman Revolution,’ a game designed for 3-year-olds,” the 35-year-old wrote.
“You have put me through hell (…) and I won’t be able to survive it much longer. You are killing me,” Breivik writes to the prison authorities, brandishing the threat of a hunger strike.

now we see the dark heart of the "humanist west"



Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won part of a human rights case against the Norwegian state.

The court upheld his claim that some of his treatment amounted to "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".

After the judgement, Breivik's lawyer, Oystein Storrvik, called for his solitary confinement to be repealed.

Breivik had challenged the government over his solitary confinement, which saw him kept alone in his cell for 22 to 23 hours a day, denied contact with other inmates and only communicating with prison staff through a thick glass barrier.

The prison must work to bring in other prisoners and "facilitate a community", the judge said.

The court also ordered the Norwegian state to pay Breivik's legal costs of 330,000 kroner ($40,000; £28,000).

Breivik gave the Nazi salute when he appeared in court

poor guy, im glad the socialist state of norway is finally doing something about their inhumane prison conditions like being kept alone in a cell.

Congrats to anders. If you think this is somehow "bad" keep in mind that in USA cops aren't punished for killing people, which means this isn't bad.
You are only as humane as you treat your worst enemy.

swirlsofhistory posted:

You are only as humane as you treat your worst enemy.

*holds out a pretty flower to a skinhead as he caves my skull in*

Solitary confinement is, in fact, inhumane, regardless of what the nazi mass murderer wants to convince you with his nazi satire propaganda
That's true, someone should have just shot him years ago and it would have been better for everyone involved.
its not solitary, he has rayman and a rather large cast of characters

fape posted:

Solitary confinement is, in fact, inhumane, regardless of what the nazi mass murderer wants to convince you with his nazi satire propaganda

i thought he was complaining about the deprivement of video games, not solitary confinement?

while we're on the topic of video games for prisoners...

like any reasonable adult, when im deprived of sufficient video games i throw up a couple hundred seig heils

xipe posted:

while we're on the topic of video games for prisoners...

lol jfc

[account deactivated]
No plastic utensils, yes functioning treadmill
reminder of some of the lavish furnishings breivik bequeathed his fellow members of society

[account deactivated]

fape posted:

Solitary confinement is, in fact, inhumane, regardless of what the nazi mass murderer wants to convince you with his nazi satire propaganda

I didn't read anything in his nazi satire (???) propaganda that indicated a position on solitary confinement.

[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:


[account deactivated]
i wish i was alphabetized

MarianneSadd posted:

fape posted:

Solitary confinement is, in fact, inhumane, regardless of what the nazi mass murderer wants to convince you with his nazi satire propaganda

I didn't read anything in his nazi satire (???) propaganda that indicated a position on solitary confinement.

it would help to look at the post I was replying to

A cheap, eficient and humane solution to the breivik problem: shoot in head, dump in hole, cover
I, too, wish torture and death upon society's worst
I don't wish torture on society's worst, and indeed I oppose the death penalty under capitalism. However, I can't see any inherent problem in the execution of a Nazi mass murderer. If there is a problem I would like to hear it!
the problem is that there can be really clear examples like breivik, but you either need to rely on the state to investigate other cases without abusing its power, or you have to trust in the arbitrary opinions of whoever gets to execute people in the "really clear examples"