It would actually be a good idea and would result in a more manageable and less corrupt public administration. Also there could be different regions that could develop actual cultures.
jdpon has that shit covered yo
the balkanization of America is a process that has been ongoing for centuries and the only thing that prevents its outright realization is the occasional military beatdown
Also Conservatives protecting America from the immigrant hordes.
isn't that what the 50 states started out as? are you saying we should repeal the federal gov/constitution?
I thought you were Australian. I was thinking something more like the EU. But given that separating fiscal and monetary policy doesn't go well, forget the idea.
let's post our best milton friedman quotes

"america has never had colonies"
Places in the us have different cultures. Here in mine own home city I can drive seven miles and see five different cultures
- deport the cracker nation
- black belt becomes new afrika
- aztlan, aztlan, aztlan
- turtle island federation of first nations
I like your new look!