Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

The Nixon library is somewhat helpful in hunting for scandalous things Nixon said. There are separate MP3s for each conversation, and PDFs for sections of phone calls or Oval Office conversations that list who's in a conversation, who's participating, and the general issues it covers. The library's descriptions can be a little quaint. In reference to a May 1, 1973 phone call between Nixon and press secretary Ronald Ziegler got into a statement issued by Nixon aide and lawyer Leonard Garment (pictured at right), the PDF notes they cover "Garment’s Jewish background." On the tape, Nixon said he wants to fire Garment for what he felt was an undermining comment, yelling, "Goddamn his Jewish soul!"
del'd move to relevant thredd
Nixon was a saint
So, so bored of judaism.

Lykourgos posted:

So, so bored of judaism.

-Hitler, 1939


BULLSHIT! The man is a traitor and got off far too lightly. He needs to shut the “F” up and take his punishment like the girl he thinks he is.
Hopefully Snowden will get much worse when we get our hands on him. Every nation has to have it’s secrets from its enemies and even its own people in order to keep its own people safe! We can’t allow yahoos like Bradley and Snowden to violate the trusts of their security clearances!

[account deactivated]
This guy should just get a tumblr already, how much more attention does he need

Or she whatever
Can't wait until they throw him in solitary, 'cuz I know one guy with 2 thumbs and a big dog T-shirt who's SICK and TIRED of listening to him whining about being "oppressed" or whatever. Get over it already, jeez.
someone i know intimately well has been penetrating my ass
[account deactivated]

gwap posted:

someone i know intimately well has been penetrating my ass

Barry Soetero

that sounds like some serious-ass penetration

"i'm very isolated atm, im in the desert with a bunch of hyper masculine, trigger happy, ignorant rednecks and the only safe place i seem to have is this satellite internet connection"

An internet connection is not a place.
i don't know what's worse, a "good ol' boys" troop or a pseudo-new york mother fucker like manning

both i guess
[account deactivated]
"im in the barren darkie nigland, and not only that, but im surrouned by a bunch of rednecks! i would kill for a long island iced tea, coney hot dog, and manhattan cocktail right about now."
good job joining the US military then wasting your entire life away to post up some wikileaks shit with your name attached to it dummy

manning is so lady gaga
one cool thing about bradley manning is that he's a heroic whistleblower in whom the us military and its lapdog media has a vested interest in making to appear mentally unbalanced perhaps through media distortions or perhaps as a result of years of intense mental and physical torture or maybe both.
please don't knock joining the US military

i would join if i could
entryism ftw
crippling mental illness and obesity are still disqualifiers from canadian military recruiting otherwise i'd join tomorrow morning.
i agree with getfiscal. the military owns. people bitch and moan "ohhh, soldiers kill innocent people" blah blah blah as if the people killed by soldiers had any value whatsoever. newsflash, they fucking dont.
also imperialism is awesome. securing more markets means more jobs for everybody.
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

crippling mental illness and obesity are still disqualifiers from canadian military recruiting otherwise i'd join tomorrow morning.

Same bro, Same.

Preferably I'd like a high ranking position in the CIA. Possessing a marxist contextual framework, I believe it has given me a very keen insight into the real-workings of the world, one entirely separated from the simulacrum. Using this, I could quickly gain ranks and favors to eventually be installed as the de-facto leader of a thirdworld narco-state. After which all of my LF buddies could come over and we'd chill in my big ass mansion like tony montana and play mario kart while smoking hella weed and doing hella sick 720 flips off my water-slide/skate ramp. It would be just like bam magera's viva la bam, no rules, just FUCKING shit up chillax style
[account deactivated]
i love you guys
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

i love you guys

I too, share a deep love for you, however mine surpasses that of platonic friendship, into something far more. When we agreed upon meeting in Toronto, my mind immediately began to wander and my first actions were to write in my diary while lying prone on pink satin bed sheets, imagining what our meeting would be like. I had purchased two pairs of spandex bicycle shorts, one for me, one for you. I fantasized about the two of us absconding away, leaving behind us this worthless, drab, material world, and fleeing to a better place -- a 24 hour Gold's gym. There, all alone at 3am, clad in bicycle shorts many sizes too small, I'd spot you doing squats. You'd struggle with your final reps, but, with my arms, firmly wrapped around your supple, yet strong pecs, I'd hold you tight, and the two of us would be locked together as one; with you the Kate Winslet to my Leonardo. "I can't make it, my legs are giving out; I'm scared" you'd exclaim, "Don't worry, I've got you. We can make it -- Together."


tpaine posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

Preferably I'd like a high ranking position in the CIA. Possessing a marxist contextual framework, I believe it has given me a very keen insight into the real-workings of the world, one entirely separated from the simulacrum. Using this, I could quickly gain ranks and favors to eventually be installed as the de-facto leader of a thirdworld narco-state. After which all of my LF buddies could come over and we'd chill in my big ass mansion like tony montana and play mario kart while smoking hella weed and doing hella sick 720 flips off my water-slide/skate ramp. It would be just like bam magera's viva la bam, no rules, just FUCKING shit up chillax style

is that big-ass mansion or big ass-mansion

Whatever the F*CK I want


AmericanNazbro posted:

getfiscal posted:

i love you guys

I too, share a deep love for you, however mine surpasses that of platonic friendship, into something far more. When we agreed upon meeting in Toronto, my mind immediately began to wander and my first actions were to write in my diary while lying prone on pink satin bed sheets, imagining what our meeting would be like. I had purchased two pairs of spandex bicycle shorts, one for me, one for you. I fantasized about the two of us absconding away, leaving behind us this worthless, drab, material world, and fleeing to a better place -- a 24 hour Gold's gym. There, all alone at 3am, clad in bicycle shorts many sizes too small, I'd spot you doing squats. You'd struggle with your final reps, but, with my arms, firmly wrapped around your supple, yet strong pecs, I'd hold you tight, and the two of us would be locked together as one; with you the Kate Winslet to my Leonardo. "I can't make it, my legs are giving out; I'm scared" you'd exclaim, "Don't worry, I've got you. We can make it -- Together."

go gay, getfiscal

[account deactivated]

gwap posted:

someone i know intimately well has been penetrating my ass

this, is pure tautology