The 1920s? 30s? 40s? 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s 90s? Periods of time with unique culture and outlooks. People don't come up with real names for decades anymore.

Is modern culture so lame that nobody gives a crap what decade it happens in?
name one thing that happened in the 20th century before WWI
other than yo OLD ASS MOMMA being born
first flight, san francisco earthquake, genocide of filipinos, japan beats the russians?
Tunguska event
1905 revolution (in Russia)
1907 recession
Creation of the Federal Reserve

And that's without Wikipedia.

Name one non-embarassing event that happened in the last decade. Apart from the emergence of the BRICS but that's boring and diffuse.

Noosphere posted:

first flight, san francisco earthquake, genocide of filipinos, japan beats the russians?

i said name ONE. way 2 fail, failbro

the assassination of archduke ferdinand