God works in mysterious ways
sounds like he doesn't work at all. 6.8 is some measly shit

stegosaurus posted:

sounds like he doesn't work at all. 6.8 is some measly shit

is it measly, Kyle?


is this measly, Kyle?
whats good guys this was just south of where i live & i didnt feel it now im listening to kevin gates really loud
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

blinkandwheeze posted:

whats good guys this was just south of where i live & i didnt feel it now im listening to kevin gates really loud

your survival is the ultimate refutation of the pat robertson thesis regarding earthquakes and homosexuals

[account deactivated]
wake up sheeple

(new zealand has more sheep than people)
that wasn't an earthquake, it was just janet frame getting out of bed
how can there be deaths in New Zealand when there aren't even any 'people' there

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

how can there be deaths in New Zealand when there aren't even any 'people' there

kimbra lives there.

corey of fail aids fame
Wales and the kiwis, the coalition of sheep shaggers.

hey lykie baby, these are the only good things your godforsaken island of sallow-cheeked inbred reprobates and moral dwarves has ever produced, and even then it's piggybacked off the hard work of good ol' american ingenuity (rip leo fender pbuh).

and still after five decades of production we have to come back behind the gnarled gin-soaked hands the product of a millennium of vitamin d deficiency to fix all the cold joints, bad wiring runs, and poor cabinetry to make them remotely usable. their quality control markedly improved when the factories were moved from some gray swamp called bletchley to a chinese sweatshop
I'm glad.

blinkandwheeze posted:

whats good guys this was just south of where i live & i didnt feel it now im listening to kevin gates really loud

chillax to the vibes of earthquake and listen to the dead c and thousands of related side projects my fren.

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