acephalousuniverse posted:does anyone know any good jokes about leftcoms
yo mama's so fat she tried to eat your pannekoek books
diamond_galas posted:let me tell you a wonderful old joke from communist times
in soviet russia, line punches you

tpaine posted:i'll remember that if i ever friend you on facebook, or ever get a facebook, or ever reluctantly come to terms with the fact that i am a boring and fey enough person to even conceive of wanting or needing a facebook,
facebook is cool bc it can be used a valid substitute for social contact between people you no longer want to have actual social contact with
diamond_galas posted:omg i just realized zizek is the thinking man's yakov smirnoff
"in althusser's france, ideology produces the subject" - yakov smirnoff
diamond_galas posted:omg i just realized zizek is the thinking man's yakov smirnoff
heh i guess that makes deleuze & guattari penn & teller

HenryKrinkle posted:
why is plastic surgery in that list

class war

wear it on a shirt or something
libelous_slander posted:I would receive, through equitable distribution, a Trotsky Tiramisu
libelous_slander posted:libelous_slander posted:Tom is not what I would call, "equally distributed," if you catch my drift
libelous_slander posted:libelous_slander posted:libelous_slander posted:Tom caught the drift, and by that I mean his sheer mass is affecting the orbit of the Earth, causing it to drift out of alignment and eventually adding several minutes to the year
Superabound posted:everyone i know just posts pictures of their babies + pets + food + how many mile(s) they jogged
how much they love their husbands/god/serving their country