
Skylark posted:

deadken posted:
i dont think male orgasm is only about physical stimulus actually goat stein. youre wrong about that

i know ppl have tried to say to wat extent the male/female orgasms are physical/mental, but they dont seem like anything more than presumptuous guesses to me.

yikes. well let me do some "empirical" testing right now if u know what i mean and get back 2 u.

its impossible to test so its just stupid....
somehwat like the recent outbreak of articles reporting the death of the female "G-Spot".
samuel pepys tried to find out if he could achieve orgasm, in church, without physical stimulation. he succeeded.
is it worth reading any part of pepys autobio besides the fire part
yeah lol its awesome
its all about him lusting after various women and trying to avoid his wife. whenever he talks about sex he goes into this weird spanish-ish pidgin, but his wife was spanish herself, so it can only be out of shame in the face of the big other.... pepys was a fucked up dude
the big other always wins in the end.....

Skylark posted:

deadken posted:
i dont think male orgasm is only about physical stimulus actually goat stein. youre wrong about that

i know ppl have tried to say to wat extent the male/female orgasms are physical/mental, but they dont seem like anything more than presumptuous guesses to me.

it is possible to have apparent physiological arousal, including orgasm, when being raped. this is true for both men and women.

except when the big other wins it dies, cuz it Nuh Exist

Cycloneboy posted:
it is possible to have apparent physiological arousal, including orgasm, when being raped. this is true for both men and women.

i guess thats maybe a good "test"? i dont really like talking or thinking abt rape tho sorry, it makes me upset

Im triggered now
when i have questions about sexual matters the first person i think to ask is cycloneman. upvote this post if u agree.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

when i have questions about sexual matters the first person i think to ask is cycloneman. upvote this post if u agree.


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
when i have questions about sexual matters the first person i think to ask is cycloneman. upvote this post if u agree.

i agree but i downvoted your post because of my instinctive contrarianism, sorry


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
when i have questions about sexual matters the first person i think to ask is cycloneman. upvote this post if u agree.

plenty of people who have had sex believe that erection/wetness implies always and only arousal, so i'm glad you recognize me as a good source of info on this subject. there's lots of interesting research on sexuality.

people who have had sex

Skylark posted:
people who have had sex

"sexhavers," if you would.

Rampant Fornicators
what, deadken, your 'mommy im a rampant fornicator' intellectual replacement for a personality hasn't gotten old yet?
the complement of the set containing virgins needs a name.
if you missed the afghan midget rap i posted above the i suggest you scroll your monkey ass northwards and press a the pley
Virgins: What Do You Think About Sex? What Are Your Thoughts.
does it count as sex if u get a handjob but she doesn't finish bc the bus is pulling up? if no then i am virgin too
Has Sex Gone Too Far?

Cycloneboy posted:
the complement of the set containing virgins needs a name.



EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
what, deadken, your 'mommy im a rampant fornicator' intellectual replacement for a personality hasn't gotten old yet?

every time my mum calls and asks how im getting on in america i just say Rampant Fornication and hang up

does it count as sex if you make the woman promise never to have sex with you because you are catholic and, more importantly, gay
Where Babies Come From, And Other Abstract Questions, by, cycloneman
nowadays you cant even go to an hourly-rate motel to get a room for a quick 1-2 hr nap without sleeping in the filth left behind my rampant fornicators trying to fill the God sized hole in their tiny sodomite hearts...
last night i turned down sex. i did it.

Skylark posted:
Virgins: What Do You Think About Sex? What Are Your Thoughts.

i like reading about it because it's interesting. it's cool to read actually scientifically established stuff that goes against cultural thoughts or common misunderstandings.

deadken what are you doing man make the conditions for goatstein to get out of ifap fuckin posting picturs of the steampunk wedding not some essay he'll never write!

deadken posted:
last night i turned down sex. i did it.

lol if u havent turned down sex before

i've never turned down sex before.

Cycloneboy posted:

Skylark posted:
Virgins: What Do You Think About Sex? What Are Your Thoughts.

i like reading about it because it's interesting. it's cool to read actually scientifically established stuff that goes against cultural thoughts or common misunderstandings.

porn for the young asexual amoeba