Goethestein posted:that's not to say that it would be a good thing, or that we were noble in retraining from genocide. i'm just noting that fact to put it in perspective what kinds of death tolls we'd be talking about if the assyrians, mongols, romans, incas or imperial japanese had cruise missiles, tanks, machineguns and nuclear weapons
nice psychohistory... *chortles* n-not
gyrofry posted:The American Fighting Man
Examples I point to are as follows -
The Zulu nation was happily destroying not only all of it’s neighbors, but many of their own people as the leadership happened to be certifiably insane. Shaka for example had a small penis (actually historically accurate) and killed thousands of people because of it. The zulu empire was actually not the bad one as the Matabele under Mzilikali after his loss to the zulu, took his tribe and conducted a scorched earth campaign across the lower section of africa destroying all in his path.
Lets not forget the laughable Xhosa girl Nongqawuse who said she saw visions that if everybody killed off their cattle and burned their fields the dead spirits of their ancestors would grant not only tenfold cattle in return, but destruction of the new white Anglo/Boer civilization in the southern cape. Needless to say after they slaughtered and burned everything no ancestors were forthcoming and 25 thousand of the Xhosa tribe died.
The tribes of africa were largely barbaric and vicious groups of people who really only understood killing for the most part. There were exceptions to the rule as there always are, the hottentots, and various smaller tribes, but for the most part african culture was set up to destroy other cultures to begin with.
I’m not going to say that they are better off having been colonized by the europeans, but the alternative was pretty vicious as well.
babyhueypnewton posted:. And there's nothing special about people born today or our world which prevents another 1914.
um hello, there's a McDonalds in every major power now, we're never going to war again
Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.
getfiscal posted:i get what huey means. like here people will all gather for occupy and be like hey man i'm a socialist i watch every episode of the daily show, we totally need to get rid of student debt and legalize marijuana, and you have to grin and be like you're the hope of my generation or whatever. in china you try to occupy and they pour the blood of a few hundo people onto the streets.
I saw some pictures of a provincial riot against government corruption recently, people sacking and burning city offices and stuff. Compare that to Occupy, China clearly has a stronger culture of dissent and public complaint than America.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:getfiscal posted:i get what huey means. like here people will all gather for occupy and be like hey man i'm a socialist i watch every episode of the daily show, we totally need to get rid of student debt and legalize marijuana, and you have to grin and be like you're the hope of my generation or whatever. in china you try to occupy and they pour the blood of a few hundo people onto the streets.
I saw some pictures of a provincial riot against government corruption recently, people sacking and burning city offices and stuff. Compare that to Occupy, China clearly has a stronger culture of dissent and public complaint than America.
It really does. For more, crawl into my head and access the modern chinese history course i took, in my memory
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.
third worldists dont believe 1st worlders should do nothing, even LLCO doesnt believe that. blinkandwheeze (RIP ) posted a bunch of stuff from the MIM detailing revolutionary strategy in the 1st world, but obviously no one read it
babyhueypnewton posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.third worldists dont believe 1st worlders should do nothing, even LLCO doesnt believe that. blinkandwheeze (RIP
) posted a bunch of stuff from the MIM detailing revolutionary strategy in the 1st world, but obviously no one read it
which if any of these strategies are you engaging in and what discernible progress have you made towards smashing capitalism? because i gotta tell you man i've been following your work for years and it looks like you can't even make a splinter webforum of a splinter webforum full of marxists think you're not nutter butter

babyhueypnewton posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Transient_Grace posted:
btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.
third worldists dont believe 1st worlders should do nothing, even LLCO doesnt believe that. blinkandwheeze (RIP ) posted a bunch of stuff from the MIM detailing revolutionary strategy in the 1st world, but obviously no one read it
Sure, but passionate liberals don't believe you should do nothing either
Goethestein posted:that's not to say that it would be a good thing, or that we were noble in retraining from genocide. i'm just noting that fact to put it in perspective what kinds of death tolls we'd be talking about if the assyrians, mongols, romans, incas or imperial japanese had cruise missiles, tanks, machineguns and nuclear weapons
Hmmm, well there's only one way to find out. we should see if spike TV's Deadliest Warrior will host a show that sees who is the most genocidal.
Goethestein posted:lol how is scientist the least privileged of all occupations
same reason why this is the most peaceful era lol
Goethestein posted:i find this chart fascinating. so being gay is negative -150, but having a net worth over a billion dollars gives one only a +50? its kind of like those playground thought experiments: "okay so dude...you get a billion dollars, but you have to have to kiss boys for the rest of your life"
I think it was probably about 2010 when we passed the point that homosexuality stopped being a handicap and actually became a net asset, in post-industrial urban societies at least.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Goethestein posted:i find this chart fascinating. so being gay is negative -150, but having a net worth over a billion dollars gives one only a +50? its kind of like those playground thought experiments: "okay so dude...you get a billion dollars, but you have to have to kiss boys for the rest of your life"
I think it was probably about 2010 when we passed the point that homosexuality stopped being a handicap and actually became a net asset, in post-industrial urban societies at least.
i dont think thats true, gays still get bullied a lot. that's definitely true for jews though
Goethestein posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Goethestein posted:
i find this chart fascinating. so being gay is negative -150, but having a net worth over a billion dollars gives one only a +50? its kind of like those playground thought experiments: "okay so dude...you get a billion dollars, but you have to have to kiss boys for the rest of your life"
I think it was probably about 2010 when we passed the point that homosexuality stopped being a handicap and actually became a net asset, in post-industrial urban societies at least.
i dont think thats true, gays still get bullied a lot. that's definitely true for jews though
Politicians are abused the whole time too but that doesn't lessen their privilige.
Goethestein posted:that's not to say that it would be a good thing, or that we were noble in retraining from genocide. i'm just noting that fact to put it in perspective what kinds of death tolls we'd be talking about if the assyrians, mongols, romans, incas or imperial japanese had cruise missiles, tanks, machineguns and nuclear weapons
nice idea for a Epic Movie Game
-the Gays
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.
but it is a question of aesthetics. communist thought leads to nihilism which leads to being a better huMan being is a genuine way. liberal thought leads off on Totes Lame paths in perpetuity and you grow up and end up being a 60 year old liberal fag, meanwhile the commies moved on to bigger and better things. individualists. ayn rand.
Impper posted:Gays get bullied, but It Gets Better
-the Gays
Impper the girl in that trolling article above is from Chicago, can you get me her number
“I waged a massive rhetorical campaign against Chicago's 'jamband' scene, lampooning its tepidity and lack of originality.
"The blow-back got around to my friends almost instantly, since they are Chicago musicians. I started getting text messages about how mad everyone was getting.
Impper posted:Gets get bullied, but It Gets Better
-the Gays
Impper posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.but it is a question of aesthetics. communist thought leads to nihilism which leads to being a better huMan being is a genuine way. liberal thought leads off on Totes Lame paths in perpetuity and you grow up and end up being a 60 year old liberal fag, meanwhile the commies moved on to bigger and better things. individualists. ayn rand.
Ayn Rand Was From Soviet Communist Russia Coincidence? Strongest Individuals Are Communists Coincidence? Lets Find Out
Crow posted:Impper posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:Transient_Grace posted:btw headz up from the pros: thinking your a communist because you have communist opinions ("lol") and define yourself as one is the most liberal.
This is worth keeping in mind Huey. In America or Western Europe, what exactly is the difference between calling yourself a “communist” and calling yourself a liberal? You buy the same products, participate in the same protest movements…..like if this was Berlin in the 20s and we were riding around with tommy guns and such then sure, slay the false prophets
But this difference of terminology is surely just aesthetic, it doesn’t materially affect anything.but it is a question of aesthetics. communist thought leads to nihilism which leads to being a better huMan being is a genuine way. liberal thought leads off on Totes Lame paths in perpetuity and you grow up and end up being a 60 year old liberal fag, meanwhile the commies moved on to bigger and better things. individualists. ayn rand.
Ayn Rand Was From Soviet Communist Russia Coincidence? Strongest Individuals Are Communists Coincidence? Lets Find Out
communism leads to formation of individual subjects, by Hook or by Crook
Goethestein posted:lol how is scientist the least privileged of all occupations
Because those icky regressive conservative Bible-thumpers are holding back Scientific Progress with their backwards superstitions. It's hard to be an Atheist in America.