Impper posted:actually grumblefish is friendly and personable and makes the profession of law very amenable to consider
Impper posted:actually grumblefish is friendly and personable and makes the profession of law very amenable to consider
Impper posted:i met grumblefish irl he is kool i'd hang out with him again
yeah i can confirm this
discipline posted:I'm p. cool
actually, you're a rape apologist, hth.
ilmdge posted:Hi Cycloneboy.
who is this "cycloneboy" you speak of?
edit: Nice av btw. Sometimes the fractal gods really deliver a good one.
Edited by ilmdge ()
ilmdge posted:Cycloneboy, did you see the debate tonight?
edit: Nice av btw. Sometimes the fractal gods really deliver a good one.
i'm not "cycloneboy," my user name is clearly "stop_raping_people," please be kind and refer to people by their usernames, not other people's user names.
only it's cycloneboy denying cycloneboy
jools posted:discipline honestly at this point you just need to make me and EO permamods so i can put cyclone in the bin at every chance
man you seem to really hate this cycloneboy character. is it because he's anti-rape? it seems ilke it is. i thought this forum was opposed to rape, but apparently it isn't. should i go somewhere else to talk about how rape needs to stop?
oh my god everyone... please stop raping people.
Stop_Raping_People posted:*busts into forum, out of breath*
oh my god everyone... please stop raping people.
slow down there you almost raped me
tentativelurkeraccount posted:Stop_Raping_People posted:*busts into forum, out of breath*
oh my god everyone... please stop raping people.slow down there you almost raped me
wow are false rape accusations cool on this forum?
tpaine posted:Stop_Raping_People posted:man you seem to really hate this cycloneboy character. is it because he's anti-rape? it seems ilke it is. i thought this forum was opposed to rape, but apparently it isn't. should i go somewhere else to talk about how rape needs to stop?
this forums is a place where posting fail aids is both funny and acceptable
Stop_Raping_People posted:ilmdge posted:Hi Cycloneboy.
who is this "cycloneboy" you speak of?
whos bloodmane
Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:Stop_Raping_People posted:ilmdge posted:Hi Cycloneboy.
who is this "cycloneboy" you speak of?
whos bloodmane
i don't "get" the ref.
Stop_Raping_People posted:*busts into forum, out of breath*
oh my god everyone... please stop raping people.
look cycloneman i think you should just chill out and cook yourself a nice sandwich. cooking something delicious and interesting (however simple or cheap! in fact more so if its simple or cheap!) for yourself is, in my opinion, one of the greatest antidotes to the experience of alienated labour in contemporary capitalism. this appeal is through nothing but love. i love you cycloneman.
Stop_Raping_People posted:i'm not cycloneboy.
If you are a newly registered poster how do you know to correct this to cycloneboy instead of cycloneman
Stop_Raping_People posted:i'm not cycloneboy.
checks out, he's getting upvoted by cyclonebooy a bunch. ifap him so they can bond in the rec room
also whatshisface above you also called me cycloneboy, so i did a wee bit of digging on this character in between posting and snorting coke.
jools posted:Stop_Raping_People posted:
i'm not cycloneboy.
If you are a newly registered poster how do you know to correct this to cycloneboy instead of cycloneman
jools posted:Stop_Raping_People posted:i'm not cycloneboy.
If you are a newly registered poster how do you know to correct this to cycloneboy instead of cycloneman
Where's the flashing masterstroke sign so I can post it
im not going to jump to any concusions, cause you know what thy say about people who make assumptions, but keep this in mind