barack obama is now behind in the polling in colorado and florida for the first time ever
barack obama is going to lose lol
Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
quit focusing on the losers and talk about the winners, man.
Better polling for Romney in all 3.
Sampling has me scratching my head. They now have Romney up big with independents in all 3, and their new poll pushed Romney into the lead in Ohio, a tie in Florida, and a slightly bigger Virginia lead in my excel files.
If Romney wins independents by 8% in Ohio, he's going to win the state.
Oh well, bash away at weighting by party ID. I'm confident in what I'm doing since plugging vote by race into my model gives me roughly equivalent results - Romney in the lead nationally, and now in Ohio as well.
getfiscal posted:in quebec they are going to change it so that you can only donate $100 a year to a political party because of how big the scale of fraud and mafia control is lol
apparently not big enough

fund lowtax's lifestyle while helping romney
Romney is up +0.7 in the RCP average. Even Gallup has him up +1.
Looking forward to the debate tonight.
angelbutt_dollface posted:what is "lowtax's lifestyle"?
a new operating system, sort of like a hip hop os
Transient_Grace posted:angelbutt_dollface posted:
what is "lowtax's lifestyle"?
a new operating system, sort of like a hip hop os
angelbutt_dollface posted:what is "lowtax's lifestyle"?
angelbutt_dollface posted:what is "lowtax's lifestyle"?
comedy cramps
hey posted:quit focusing on the losers and talk about the winners, man.
something about goatstein only being able to post about issues he identifies with
Ironicwarcriminal posted:He deserves to: he’s clearly disinterested in the job
can't really blame him. with all the shit that's been hurled at him he's got to be a masochist to want four more years of it
MarxUltor posted:paradol ex was right all along
Uh.... no shit Sherlock.
Y_KANT_HARRY_REID posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
He deserves to: he’s clearly disinterested in the job
can't really blame him. with all the shit that's been hurled at him he's got to be a masochist to want four more years of it
yes how terrible it must be to travel the world on a private jet, win millions of dollars for waging war from a peace committee, be feted by celebrities and the rich and famous and loved for the image you represent regardless how much you continue to fail to achieve it
this matters