week long bowie
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The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website.

Agnus_Dei posted:

The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website.

Look like we got a Joel over here! Real 'im in boys!!

[account deactivated]

Agnus_Dei posted:

The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website.


blinkandwheeze posted:

Agnus_Dei posted:

The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website.

Look like we got a Joel over here! Real 'im in boys!!

*honk honk* *awooooga(

this is all utter bullshit freecyclonekid and all but ckid, dru is a rape victim according to your definitions, it looks like you're pretty insensitive of his desire not to be victimized

Agnus_Dei posted:

The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website.



Agnus_Dei posted:

The current modstaff is actively hostile to people who create content for this website

Transient_Grace posted:

this is all utter bullshit freecyclonekid and all but ckid, dru is a rape victim according to your definitions, it looks like you're pretty insensitive of his desire not to be victimized

hmmm interesting points.. maybe I should devote my time to getting rid of permabanned posters who have DDOSed the site in the past...

joel defending cyclonekid is funny but it also makes sense because they are both quite similar if you look at it. both go on and on about the same tired and unfunny gimmick constantly, and both have made posts about cutting holes in their pockets to masturbate through in public places.
why is it that guys will openly say, "I'd let her rape me" or "i wish she'd rape me" (rape by envelopment), but they never mean "I'd let her pound my ass" or "I'd let her buttrape me"??????


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

hmmm interesting points.. maybe I should devote my time to getting rid of permabanned posters who have DDOSed the site in the past...

Hey I was defending your rights as a rape victim to not be considered a rape victim, and here I was thinking we were pals Drub.

Also like fuck we never DDOSed the site, I just clicked search a couple of times.

dont worry i wouldnt ifap/ban you ejk youre cool
lol no i'm not.
w/e at least you dont post about masturbating in womens restrooms like cycloneboy and joel
i found cycloneboy's halloween costume from last year

stop being mean to cycloneboy! just stop it!

NoFreeWill posted:

stop being mean to cycloneboy! just stop it!


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

w/e at least you dont post about masturbating in womens restrooms like cycloneboy and joel

Love when you showcase that trademark wit.


Agnus_Dei posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

w/e at least you dont post about masturbating in womens restrooms like cycloneboy and joel

Love when you showcase that trademark wit.

Joel. Joel.


Objectivist Rapist" post="408398831 posted:

How incredibly neat it must be for you to have the option of picking up and putting down feminism at times of your choosing. It must be fantastic to not have to deal with having your gender be the butt of constant jokes and abuse, even in seemingly unrelated things like video games.

Sexism and its toxic influence doesn't stop just because you want to chill out and be an elf.


i just wanna chill out and be an elf.
i just stumbled on a startling allegation, EO whats your response

Cycloneboy posted:

it looks ilke Emanuela Orlandi has unstolen my custom title, but let's not let him get away with this! Here's a picture, preserving for all eternity his theft of my glorious title:

welcome to ifap, ilmidge

ggw posted:

why is it that guys will openly say, "I'd let her rape me" or "i wish she'd rape me" (rape by envelopment), but they never mean "I'd let her pound my ass" or "I'd let her buttrape me"??????

i have never heard a guy or girl say any of these things


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

welcome to ifap, ilmidge

dont worry boss, this reporter knows when to stop asking the tough questions. signing off,


angelbutt_dollface posted:

have never heard a guy or girl say any of these things

yea as a victim of rape by envelopment i dont find that kind of hyperbole in any way funny or appropriate. unlike fail AIDS


ggw posted:

why is it that guys will openly say, "I'd let her rape me" or "i wish she'd rape me" (rape by envelopment), but they never mean "I'd let her pound my ass" or "I'd let her buttrape me"??????

Because they are transphobic


ggw posted:

why is it that guys will openly say, "I'd let her rape me" or "i wish she'd rape me" (rape by envelopment), but they never mean "I'd let her pound my ass" or "I'd let her buttrape me"??????

maybe they do. have u asked them

is there a counterpoint to "i'd hit it"? "i'd absorb it" mayhaps? food for thought
Yo EO thanks for putting cycloneboy in IFAP, he needs some serious rehabilitation and it works better if you get them earlier and put them into a young offenders psychiatric program

We might be spared another Batman Massacre now
poor cycloneboy doesnt seem to realize you're eventually supposed to step out of a revolving door and go about your prior business =\
[account deactivated]
nice neg, bro
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