
Hitler posted:

does anyone have any david harvey ebooks in non-pdf format? (like epub or mobi or something) specifically enigma of capital?

why not use free online converters?

why don't you keep quiet, if thats what he wants thatll be what he gets, anything for my friend hitler

Hitler posted:

does anyone have any david harvey ebooks in non-pdf format? (like epub or mobi or something) specifically enigma of capital?

here you go hitler



hahah again?? really?
are there decent converters out there now, whenever i try to convert it with calibre or whatever it often comes out shitty especially if its scanned book

kinch posted:




Hitler posted:

are there decent converters out there now, whenever i try to convert it with calibre or whatever it often comes out shitty especially if its scanned book

nope. they'll be terrible because they rely on the pdf's own OCR - and acrobat's OCR is notoriously shitty.

if you like, i'll convert it for you using briss/finereader/whatever ebook editor i'm currently using

got a verso ~blast~ for yah azz

*farts on rowan wilson's brain*
if anyone has any request's for journal articles. let me know and ill see what i could do.
Get used to it, Hitler.
[account deactivated]
you have to learn to express yourself regularly, hitler. it isn't easy.
for my midreich crisis, i bought a concentration camp
verso owns
we, the radical thinkers at verso, stand behind the law when it comes to making our money. we have families to feed you know!!
Currently reading

The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History, Volume I: Projectiles for the People
by André Moncourt and J. Smith

Now, at last, a significant documentary history of the RAF has come into the spotlight, complete with a readable account of the postwar German New Left from which it emerged. Even better, this work was done by editors/translators who reject the obedient capitalist media’s trivializing of the RAF as “pathological” death-wishing celebrities. In their hands, the words of the RAF are revealed as serious responses to the failure of parliamentary reformism, trade-unionism, and pacifism, to stop the solidification of Germany’s own form of a neofascist capitalism (lightly cosmeticized with a layer of that numbing “consumer democracy”)....It is all here, in this first volume of the Red Army Faction documentary histories, and we should thank all those who worked on this book.

—J. Sakai, author of Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat


animedad posted:

we, the radical thinkers at verso, stand behind the law when it comes to making our money. we have families to feed you know!!

intellectual property is a fiction, except for when its not

i bought a collection of ulrike meinhof works and it turned out to be her pre-RAF news articles and a long note by her daughter about how the RAF was evil.
vladimir putin and the prisoner of abkhazia
The truck runs straight ahead but the situation is always changing; there is struggle between two kinds of outlook in holding the steering-wheel. Only by living study and application of Mao Tsetung Thought, doing a good job of ideological revolutionization and putting politics in command of technique can we victoriously advance along Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line in all weathers.
in my recherches i discovered two very irritating things. 1. the japanese do not like to pirate books and a possible causative factor is 2. there is no such thing as a remotely functional OCR system for Chinese characters. at all. anywhere. like the CS department at Osaka University is working on something and released it for public testing but it's bollocks and doesn't work at all
http://shop.biblesociety.org.uk/shop/9780564020645/#.UHW_kRU0WSo preorder this everyone, rhizzone simulread
nu testament
im reading the rebirth of history by alain badiou, thef arewel symphony by edmund white, the origin of conscious in the breakdown of the bicameral mind by julian 'jools' jaynes, and multitude lol

alternating between this and journey to the end of the night
Death on the Installment Plan is the best Celine imo, you should check it out. it's about his childhood/adolescence. the highest expression of the Celine style.
yeah bc celine is for children / adolescents ahahaha
taht may be true..but i dont wanna grow up
I searched my library for Death on the Installment Plan and found this because of a chapter title

anyone read this it looks kewl
neat, thanks!!!!
am i a stupid?

NoFreeWill posted:

I searched my library for Death on the Installment Plan and found this because of a chapter title

anyone read this it looks kewl

kewl im gonna get it i think

i'm listening to the audiobook version of "You Can't Lose" by Swart Gevaar
i'm actually reading germinal by amil cola im enjoying it very much i actually believe the people in it are real
I'm reading too many things at once. I'm reading XunZi for the third or fourth time, I'm reading GuanZi QingZhong so I can finish the summary thing I posted on this forum, I'm reading the History of Debt thing I told someone I would read, I'm reading a tonne of case law so that I can try and have a judge order trial by combat in an upcoming case, I'm reading a bunch of road block stuff so I can embarrass the public defender's office next week, I'm half way through the Lu Shi Chun Qiu, I printed out the Zhan Guo Ce, and I'm about to buy a book on modern greek so I can converse with some relatives better, I have a book of ancient greek epic fragments that I'm 3/4 of the way through next to the bed, and then when all this is done I need to choose either the four confucian classics or go through Plutarch's Moralia.


Oh yeah, and slowly going through the Shi Jing and translating a few nice ones; seriously have to hide some of these books somewhere and go through each from start to finish before starting the next:

Such green robes, green robes with yellow lining
The heart's worry, how to bring it to an end
Such green robes, green robes and yellow skirt
The heart's worry, how to do away with it
Such green silk, a woman laid it out
I think of ancient people, as to be without fault
Fine or rough fabric, worn because of the cold wind
I think of ancient people, and realise my heart's truth

Now the author is an ancient in his own right.

Edited by Lykourgos ()

Im also a public defender lol and Im reading Asshats Magazine guess what its good.
I mean prosecutor. Whatever.