
Ironicwarcriminal posted:

lol obama got owned

i only saw a bit but i thought romney did better than obama. voting romney.

I was listening in the car and Obama's voice pisses me off. I probably won't vote this election or ever again but if I do it'll be for Romney just to piss off liberals.

babyhueypnewton posted:

I was listening in the car and Obama's voice pisses me off. I probably won't vote this election or ever again but if I do it'll be for Romney just to piss off liberals.

look at this labor aristocrat with a car


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

I was listening in the car and Obama's voice pisses me off. I probably won't vote this election or ever again but if I do it'll be for Romney just to piss off liberals.

look at this labor aristocrat with a car

Driving is one of the few pure feelings of power, it's great. If there's one thing I think is good about America it's that everyone drives and screams at each other in the car.

paradol ex's matrix ideas were better than the sequels' tbqh

aerdil posted:

The Obamailures: Which will be the funniest?[Jan 27, 2008 02:06]

For the lot of us that realize Obama suppoters are basically Ron Paul supporters that got bopped on the head with a frying pan, what will be funniest?

1) Obama loses the nomination to Hillary Clinton, Obamailures bitch about KKKlinton and the democratic voters, hopes crushed

2) Obama wins the nomination and loses the general, Obamailures bitch about america in general, hopes crushed.

OR, and what I am almost leaning to:

3) Obama WINS the presidency, and over the four years of his administration he is revealed to be just another politican, nothing progressive gets done, the republicans still dominate the national discourse, and Obama folds to their demands like a wimp, Obamailures feel betrayed, become cynical bitter shells as they see how naive their stupid hopes and 20 bux truly were?

Wow that thread has randbrick and supermechagodzilla, forum legends gone to a better place lf used to be really shitty, even i had shitty opinions back then, which is why i will always respect posters like paradol ex and hardcore sax even though they werent especially good.

i cared about things back then, lol, what a maroon
[account deactivated]
getfiscal was always the best poster, which is why he had to be permabanned repeatedly since like 2004

babyhueypnewton posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
babyhueypnewton posted:
I was listening in the car and Obama's voice pisses me off. I probably won't vote this election or ever again but if I do it'll be for Romney just to piss off liberals.
look at this labor aristocrat with a car

Driving is one of the few pure feelings of power, it's great. If there's one thing I think is good about America it's that everyone drives and screams at each other in the car.

yeah i kinda agree, i was just being difficult


getfiscal posted:

i cared about things back then, lol, what a maroon

I liked those gbs ball freedom posts

inspired me to cut crotch holes in all my old pairs of pants so I could 'hang free' on my after-dark walks


Meursault posted:

getfiscal was always the best poster, which is why he had to be permabanned repeatedly since like 2004


i vaguely remember getfiscal being accused of trolling gbs because he argued against sodomizing a peeping tom with a tree branch or something.

maybe this didn't really happen idk.

HenryKrinkle posted:

i vaguely remember getfiscal being accused of trolling gbs because he argued against sodomizing a peeping tom with a tree branch or something.

maybe this didn't really happen idk.

what happened is a few people found a guy outside a child's window and they beat him severely and raped him with a tree branch. and i was like hey gang maybe that's not cool and that maybe it was a bit creepy that they were lustily asking for revenge rape and everyone got angry and i think i was probated or banned or whatever. then it turned out the victim was disabled and had had an episode or something and wasn't even outside the child's window, he was just like in a fit or something and outside wandering around confused, and they attacked him for no reason and then were charged for it.

[account deactivated]
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
i recall trying to explain to someone in gbs that wanting to torture criminals in horrific ways is cruel and doesnt bring the victims back or prevent crime and that having violent revenge fantasies about people you read a short news article about is very unhealthy. this was sometime in 2008
Just finished reading that article, and in this goon's opinion: What in the everloving fuck. I want to shove a freaking telephone pole up that guys ass and then nuke it with fire. Christ on a stick if i could just get my hands on some Hellfire i would send it in that guys general direction

man i was 15 then too. the gbs teen

ugh i literally feel sick to my stomach goons are disgusting
i posted an islamic mameshiba in bf's profile and i think that was the final insult that broke him (or at least i hope so)


HenryKrinkle posted:

http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=1189238&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1ugh i literally feel sick to my stomach goons are disgusting

AHAHAHAHA, this, my friends, is Justice.


i can't see that, what is it.

getfiscal posted:

i can't see that, what is it.

heres a full page screenshot. its not terribly interesting http://i.imgur.com/I0wN3.jpg

oh lol
If you got tricked into watching that debate by me then consider yourself owned

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

getfiscal posted:

i can't see that, what is it.

heres a full page screenshot. its not terribly interesting http://i.imgur.com/I0wN3.jpg


GBS was really good back when everyone was just trying to make really really extremely unclever puns all the time I guess??
Yeah, looks like the guy who got raped with a tree branch, really "Branched" out. Probably wanted his attackers to "Leaf" him alone

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

Yeah, looks like the guy who got raped with a tree branch, really "Branched" out. Probably wanted his attackers to "Leaf" him alone

He's probably "pining" for the days prior to his rape

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

I was listening in the car and Obama's voice pisses me off. I probably won't vote this election or ever again but if I do it'll be for Romney just to piss off liberals.

look at this labor aristocrat with a car

Driving is one of the few pure feelings of power, it's great. If there's one thing I think is good about America it's that everyone drives and screams at each other in the car.

lmao it owns that you think this

my advice to obama voters:

Who wants to do the mashed po tay toes?
[account deactivated]
i wonder if in the future after im dead people will recognize that i was, in fact, the greatest poster of my generation, even though i was doomed to relative obscurity in my own time
[account deactivated]
yah... that'd be nice...