prikryl posted:That's how we did it, the middle class ladders, for the middle class so that tht em iddle class can get to the al qaeda and bin laden, with progress under republican principled leader, for the middle classes with the plan. #2, you've gotta say no to folks in your own party, yes, we had a fight, because that was a fight that needed to be had, because we had the security with the fight we needed to have. Part of leadership and governing is willing to say yes and no to some things, he say no.
We need a generator for this stuff akin to
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tpaine posted:HenryKrinkle posted:
the public sucks fuck hope
-george carlin-said Bill Hicks
-paraphrased by David Cross
-as retold by Patton Oswalt
HenryKrinkle posted:babyfinland has not posted in a couple of days wonder what he's up to
he went back to headquarters to come up with another plan, getting the rhizzoners to work with a cia-infiltrated muslim charity didnt work
HenryKrinkle posted:babyfinland has not posted in a couple of days wonder what he's up to
he's moved on to adulthood
A study of pre- and post-debate polling by the Gallup organization found that in only two elections since the advent of televised debates—1960 and 2000—could it be argued that they influenced the outcome, the Journal noted.
cant say i retained much beyond something about the middle class, small business, and taxes? taxes.