i think im gonna try 2 go back 2 school

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

i think im gonna try 2 go back 2 school

go to beijing university for their foreign policy grad program, i hear it's pretty easy to get in


tpaine posted:

if you, sautee scallops in a non-stick paan...THEY WONT STICK. THATS WHY ITS CALLED FUCKING NON-STIIIIiiiiIIIICK!!! I dunno what non-stick means in Texas sweetheart but fuck me!

Yes chef!

actually dont go to beijing at all because its a fucking hellhole and northerners are uncivilised barbarians
[account deactivated]
tpaine can you make me an obamatar. or post a cool one you've made tia. really feel I'm not amped up for this election yet
[account deactivated]

kinch posted:

im watching in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni


i found a download for this and and some slightly out of sync english subs, if anyone wants i'll create a private torrent or something.

well if you do want guy 'my very existence as a filmmaker remains a generally refuted hypothesis' debord's last film get the attachment.

'a pure temporal moment that speaks to the glory of cinema, and which may very well survive us humans' -alain badiou

'very good... really.' - zizek
thank you tpaine, pourin these chicago forties for u
[account deactivated]
i think i remember reading somewhere someone talking about liking gaddis a bunch. which owns more more, frolic of his own or carpentars gothic?? (to read next)


EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

i think im gonna try 2 go back 2 school

the rest of yall need to get with the obamatars wtf theres like dozens and they are cool

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

the rest of yall need to get with the obamatars wtf theres like dozens and they are cool

Brand identity is a crucial part of my overall posting strategy. weve discussed this.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand#Benefits_of_global_branding See what i mean
we have discussed this lol... shit...
I just read Imperium and Stasiland and it’s got me pretty down on communism to be honest.
thats cause youre downunder lol
[account deactivated]

gyrofry posted:


ownage book imo


tpaine posted:

Crow posted:

thats cause youre downunder lol

[account deactivated]
it's a giant cat
that cat probably listens to tool

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

the rest of yall need to get with the obamatars wtf theres like dozens and they are cool

theyre bullshit, wheres the romneytars you fake ass liberal fucks

Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle
Author: Silvia Federici
Publisher: PM Press/Common Notions
ISBN: 978-1-60486-333-8
Published August 2012
Format: Paperback
Size: 8 by 5
Page count: 208 Pages
Subjects: Women's Studies/Politics/Sociology
anybody here read midnight notes at all, any opinions, thanks`

stegosaurus posted:

anybody here read midnight notes at all, any opinions, thanks`

My favorite line from it is, "After birthing Smeagol, both the canon and her uterus were pretty much exhausted."


Crow posted:

its concerning to me right now that this reminds me more of someone im dating than of chloe sevigny

[account deactivated]
seriously gyrofry you are THIS close to geting ifapped you better watch yourself. keep posting with that background color and see what happens!!
what's a good book about a thing
hey can anyone recommend a book on autonomous oblasts, the minzu system in china, or any other materials on how socialist systems deal with indiginous peoples/minorities
does anyone have any david harvey ebooks in non-pdf format? (like epub or mobi or something) specifically enigma of capital?