Impper posted:if yahveey needs that hes an idiot
maybe he doesn't make the rules you know, maybe the universe is like an elaborate RPG and got has to collect 5000 foreskin each year to cast a wizard spell and save the universe.
we know that burning a red cow cleans people of sin so why shouldn't baby foreskins save the universe i wonder?
babyhueypnewton posted:a real mensrights would be a celebration of strength and power
Transient_Grace posted:Impper posted:if yahveey needs that hes an idiot
maybe he doesn't make the rules you know, maybe the universe is like an elaborate RPG and got has to collect 5000 foreskin each year to cast a wizard spell and save the universe.
we know that burning a red cow cleans people of sin so why shouldn't baby foreskins save the universe i wonder?
i guess thats true. if god sits on a cactus does it hurt?
babyhueypnewton posted:a real mensrights would be a celebration of strength and power
exactly, Men's Rights. we meet at the rhizzone and head out from there
Cycloneboy posted:"boring white dudes" - a phrase used by a supporter of Marx, Lenin, etc.
I dont mean it as a slur or a scarlet letter, simply to state that liberal identities are constructed on misery and oppression and so being the default state is to not have an identity, to be "boring".
Transient_Grace posted:like wtf do these people even know, maybe yhwh needs the magic energy of infant genitalia to keep the universe from literally tearing apart. maybe baby dicks are all that stand between all creation and oblivion. you can never know is what i'm saying.
God loves underage boy penises? That explains the catholic church.
Impper posted:shennong posted:Transient_Grace posted:like wtf do these people even know, maybe yhwh needs the magic energy of infant genitalia to keep the universe from literally tearing apart. maybe baby dicks are all that stand between all creation and oblivion. you can never know is what i'm saying.
god is self sufficient and rich beyond need my friedn
do u think god is as rich or as self sufficient as warren buffett
warren buffet isnt even immortal
Impper posted:how do we know.. god is alive.. there have been.. claims to the contrary..
Once I asked my students, “What do you think of God?” “He dead,” one slouching nihilist rang out. The class began to laugh. And I caught myself laughing along with them, laughing while Pompeii’s volcano simmers, while the barbarians swell around the Palatine, while the country I love, and the job I love, and the community I love become dimmer by the day.
jools posted:what is it with white supremacists and the roman empire
white people bathed more back then. nostalgia for things we've lost.
the united states uses about 1500m^3, so about 4000l a day.
Cycloneboy posted:jiroemon1897 posted:source?
Keven posted:Wow, they unironically used that much water? I could see them using that much water but I figured they were like kind of laughing like oh look at me, I'm a roman patrician and this is how I use my water and throwing the water all around at the walls and ground and the other roman being like ooooh no man hahahaaha
Yeah, this.
aerdil posted:its hard for jools to relate to that because british people throw their shit at the walls and the ground rather than water. theiryre monkey.
True but in san francisco this is actively encouraged as free expression by city ordinances
from here:
A second potentially important predictor of CSA disclosure is gender. Previous research suggests that compared with females, males are less likely to disclose (e.g., DeVoe & Faller, 1999; Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, & Smith, 1990; Widom & Morris, 1997). Williams and Banyard (1997) uncovered significant gender differences when they compared disclosure in Williams's (1994a) sample of women with disclosure rates in a sample of men with documented CSA. However, in a regression analysis, only age emerged as a significant predictor of disclosure. Widom and Morris found that men's and women's definitions of sexual abuse differed, which may have led to differential disclosure rates. Specifically, of participants whose responses indicated CSA, 64% of the women labeled their experiences as abusive, whereas only 16% of the men did so. Men's resistance to define certain sexual acts as abuse, perhaps because of shame, embarrassment, or fear of stigmatization, may underlie gender differences in disclosure.
now obviously this is dealing with childhood sexual abuse and not adult victimization but i think the huge gulf is worth noting: 16% of men identified their experiences as childhood sexual abuse whereas 64% of women did. it implies some unhappy realities and puts a pretty big question mark on the apparent discrepancy of the CDC NISVS.
jools posted:probably because you're a delusional boring moron Lol
jools posted:probably because you're a delusional boring moron Lol
yeah i'm delusional for talking about the serious issue of male rape victims. lmao. fly away troll.
please add me to the list of completely raped men.