festering shite ive got a meeting in 'alf an owa! this chickpea crawsoup is heaps betta than toonafeesh-==-=-
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[account deactivated]
tplain your profile switched ?!?!!?!
Do wayne brady have to choke yall bitches? Dumfucks?
Impper posted:wow that thing about yall is fukn gaey
zHey man. That "gaey" thing was, like, confrontational machismo of saying youre gay like youre gonna fight someone, not calling things you dont like gay. That shit is like middle school shit bro/ jEsus.
Like yellin violenty across the street at some walkin stranger: IM FUCKIN GAY.
not like 'OOoooh thats gaayy' *sticks out preteen bum for a nice public school spanking*
not like 'OOoooh thats gaayy' *sticks out preteen bum for a nice public school spanking*
the word gaey
is fertilely gaey
becuz it has
any gaey meaning
u gaelei want
including positive
u gaey az
is fertilely gaey
becuz it has
any gaey meaning
u gaelei want
including positive
u gaey az
Sounds Kinda Degenerate Individualist Liberal Lol
i guess thas jus wha i am. according to buncha homos
Impartial Comrade Homos
noo no, i'm gaey, they not gaey enouf, they do gaey things.. about yall
the only good vegan food is vegan food that encapsulates a beef patty
[account deactivated]
vegan food is the shit yo. ron paul 2012.
dennis kucinich was coached to refer to his veganism as a "plant-based diet" on the news so that people hear "plants" and think oh that's good he eats ferns or something rather than like "veganism" which makes them think of the guy playing with his ear gauges before making their coffee at starbucks
eat a vegayn