mice are pretty harmless, i got two dogs running around my place.
dogs are good. one o the best parts of life is doggs
mus are cool but if you can get zapus you are truly blessed

shennong posted:

mus are cool but if you can get zapus you are truly blessed

nice bill cosby impersonation, you do any other celebrities?


swampman posted:

nice to watch so-called leftists cling to the bourgeois comfort of luxury food. you would be amazed how much healthier you become, how much money you save, and how much more you get done when your life no longer revolves around overfeeding yourself with delicacies.

swampman posted:

the vegan restaurant, a stinking ghoul of a contradiction, celebrates a simple and easy moral choice with criminal complicity in the perpetuation of the food service industry, in every aspect, employees pitted against each other and the customer for shit wages, the unflinching food waste, mindless master-slave rituals permeating every facet of its operation



Goethestein posted:

getfiscal i know you got the depressions and everything so let me tell you straight up that having mice in your house is a bad thing and you should fix it toute suite

well it's an old building and i think there are probably a bunch of them just floating around. i'll get some sticky traps and go mice-proofed (containers for everything etc.).

just get a cat.
dont use glue traps. their eyes get stuck to the glue and they usually end up just dying of starvation/dehydration

shennong posted:

dont use glue traps. their eyes get stuck to the glue and they usually end up just dying of starvation/dehydration

thats bad ass.

what should i do then.
don't use electric traps. their spines explode and their brains spell "HI HATERS" in a fine pink mist before disappearing. don't. don't do it. you don't want to see it.
they have ultrasonic mouse trap things. you can catch and release them somewhere.

getfiscal posted:

what should i do then.

either use a normal spring-loaded trap or live traps. the springload ones can horribly maim but at least the animal will bleed out over the course of an hour or two instead of starving to deaht over a couple of days in excruciating pain with an eye glued to a piece of cardboard. you can also just mouseproof all your food sources, sweep/mop the floors, put some peppermint oil around the baseboards and in the corners of cupboards, and plug whatever holes you have in your walls (probably around stuff like the cables for your stove etc)

just use snap traps, they're the most humane and they keep the mice from rotting inside your walls
get cat friend. cat friend kills mice, is also a friend.

shennong posted:

getfiscal posted:

what should i do then.

either use a normal spring-loaded trap or live traps. the springload ones can horribly maim but at least the animal will bleed out over the course of an hour or two instead of starving to deaht over a couple of days in excruciating pain with an eye glued to a piece of cardboard. you can also just mouseproof all your food sources, sweep/mop the floors, put some peppermint oil around the baseboards and in the corners of cupboards, and plug whatever holes you have in your walls (probably around stuff like the cables for your stove etc)

thanks. i will get the stuff to do this tomorrow.

cats are fucking filthy and you'll regret having them once the mice are gone
but the cat shits and pisses even more than the mice. so i'll have to buy something that eats cats. what eats cats. maybe alf. so i have to bring back the 80s? remember the 80s? frankly this whole thing is spiralling out of control.
oy it's like the australians with their stupid hares. i think you're just gonna have to co-exist with the mice and stop trying to play god Mr. Fiscal.
a few years ago another apartment i had had bed bugs and it was pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to me. and the landlord was like hrmery HRMERY for a while until they inspected the apartment next to me and the person was like yeah what about them i got them from this couch i found on the road no biggie. and it was one of those "not even mad" things because i was like yup... that's what happened... you took an infested couch off the road and don't mind the bug bites... maybe the real fool is me for not having a job and having to live in cheap ass apartments instead of expensive condos like is my economics-degree birthright.
btw if you find mice still alive in a spring trap, you can perform a cervical dislocation by placing a stiff piece of metal or plastic on the spine at the base of the skull (a screwdriver shaft or the blunt side of a scissor blade is ok) and then pushing down and toward the skull hard while pulling the base of the tail (not the end) until you hear the crack, its probably the most humane way to quickly end its life if you dont have a .22 or sth

shennong posted:

btw if you find mice still alive in a spring trap, you can perform a cervical dislocation by placing a stiff piece of metal or plastic on the spine at the base of the skull (a screwdriver shaft or the blunt side of a scissor blade is ok) and then pushing down and toward the skull hard while pulling the base of the tail (not the end) until you hear the crack, its probably the most humane way to quickly end its life if you dont have a .22 or sth

wow i just wanted to get rid of a pest and now you're talking like i've got to get all cold blooded serial killer on some mice... smh

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

shennong posted:

btw if you find mice still alive in a spring trap, you can perform a cervical dislocation by placing a stiff piece of metal or plastic on the spine at the base of the skull (a screwdriver shaft or the blunt side of a scissor blade is ok) and then pushing down and toward the skull hard while pulling the base of the tail (not the end) until you hear the crack, its probably the most humane way to quickly end its life if you dont have a .22 or sth

wow i just wanted to get rid of a pest and now you're talking like i've got to get all cold blooded serial killer on some mice... smh

if you're gonna do it, do it right. ive killed literlaly thousands of mice, im basically mouse hitler. but i still wont use glue traps


getfiscal posted:

what should i do then.

i shoved a rock in the hole i saw them coming from and then i put everythin in the fridge, even cereal and stuff, cuz they were getting into the cupboards somehow. anyway it worked, havent seen a mouse in a year or so


shennong posted:

btw if you find mice still alive in a spring trap, you can perform a cervical dislocation by placing a stiff piece of metal or plastic on the spine at the base of the skull (a screwdriver shaft or the blunt side of a scissor blade is ok) and then pushing down and toward the skull hard while pulling the base of the tail (not the end) until you hear the crack, its probably the most humane way to quickly end its life if you dont have a .22 or sth


Any crossing of two beings not at exactly the same level produces a medium between the level of the two parents. This means: the offspring will probably stand higher than the racially lower parent, but not as high as the higher one. Consequently, it will later succumb in the struggle against the higher level. Such mating is contrary to the will of Nature for a higher breeding of all life. The precondition for this does not lie in associating superior and inferior, but in the total victory of the former. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he after all is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development of organic living beings would be unthinkable.

The consequence of this racial purity, universally valid in Nature, is not only the sharp outward delimitation of the various races, but their uniform character in themselves. The fox is always a fox, the goose a goose, the tiger a tiger, etc., and the difference can lie at most in the varying measure of force, strength, intelligence, dexterity, endurance,etc., of the individual specimens. But you will never find a fox who in his inner attitude might, for example, show humanitarian tendencies toward geese, as similarly there is no cat with a friendly inclination toward mice.

Edited by babyfinland ()

when my ex gf asked why i kept all my cereal and pasta and so on in the microwave i didnt want to let on about the mice so i just said it was because of the complete roach takeover
man, fuck bacon
the roaches were like all over and for example you know the timer on a microwave, there were lke a dozen inside of that, crawling around in the digits counting down the time my microwave tofurkey sausages were cooking, just an example, it was really weird, then the landlord put up a sign that we had to clear our cabinets and everything every other tuesday for the next year so he could spray. that happened and now there's no roaches either. no roaches no mice, and i dont think there's bed bugs now either kinda feels like gentrification though, first we drove out the mice, now the roaches, as a party to that i feel dirty.

Edited by ilmdge ()

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
shennong hacks up mice caracasses in a dumpster while listening to "tell me lies tell me sweet little lies" on his ipod and weeping
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

shennong hacks up mice caracasses in a dumpster while listening to "tell me lies tell me sweet little lies" on his ipod and weeping

That's fucked up


statickinetics posted:

babyfinland posted:

shennong hacks up mice caracasses in a dumpster while listening to "tell me lies tell me sweet little lies" on his ipod and weeping

That's fucked up

yeah at first its kind of shocking but after a few weeks you get used to it and its kind of funny, like you can throw garbage at him and he just looks at you sobbing

[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

the roaches were like all over and for example you know the timer on a microwave, there were lke a dozen inside of that, crawling around in the digits counting down the time my microwave tofurkey sausages were cooking, just an example, it was really weird, then the landlord put up a sign that we had to clear our cabinets and everything every other tuesday for the next year so he could spray. that happened and now there's no roaches either. no roaches no mice, and i dont think there's bed bugs now either kinda feels like gentrification though, first the mice got driven out, now the roaches, am i gonna be next?

i'm giving this post the gas face because it makes me feel grody

i need to work on my lyrical skills because i have to 8 mile myself into a luxury condo so i don't have to worry about pests anymore. gonna work for goldman sachs.