he wasn't flashing back to real abuse that had actually happened to him he was just fantasizing about doing his mom or whatever and then feeling suicidal about it, which might be even worse imo
*busts through door of womens shelter with battering ram* ATTENTION: I AM TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF ALL FORMS OF CONSENSUAL DEGENERACY

littlegreenpills posted:

he wasn't flashing back to real abuse that had actually happened to him he was just fantasizing about doing his mom or whatever and then feeling suicidal about it, which might be even worse imo

i guess my expectations are still set too high for these people

hey TUPAC SERBIA nice post count u fucking noob. lol did u register just 2 make these awful posts or do u have another motive???

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

cyclonekid is so well known for his pro-incest opinions someone spent 10$ to make sure everyone knows c-kid is ok with siblings fucking.

littlegreenpills posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

GoldenLionTamarin posted:

yes, people who weigh over 400 pounds and dont even attempt to lose weight and then get really mad that society wont accommodate them probably should "not exist"

i don't really care that much about the issue or these people but from a physiological point of view they don't even need to "diet" in the sense of running a calorie deficit from an normal person's diet. they could lose weight by eating 2,000 calories a day without going to a gym or do anything extraordinary, simply because the human body doesn't like to be at extremes, either too low bodyfat or 80% bodyfat

half the time there's probably a thyroid condition as a contributing factor. like even a normal diet would have them plateauing out at over 250lbs which is still plenty enough for normal right thinking folks to say "ugh, disgusting, harpoon it and hang it up as an example"

i don't think that's true. thyroid issues aren't that prevalent and america has a very high obesity rate. high thyroid levels are more common than low iirc

i probably wouldnt hang out with someone who bends over to take dog cock but i have less of a problem with people who are submissive to the animal because a dog pounding someones buttocks actively is a lil more consent-y than the human being the penetrator imo
what makes sex so special that it requires this sort of magical consent that only super sentient creatures are able to give to humans, as clearly animals are capable of consenting to one another even though the process of granting consent is often indistinguishable from violent rape. why should anyone require any form of special consent from a creature people have no qualms about putting a leash on and choking when it dares to make a sound when it displeases us?

why would you require consent from a cow to penetrate its vagina when fondling its nipples and BUTCHERING IT are tacitly assumed to be just fine.

like I said earlier, it is utterly foolish to think social taboos are derived from some coherent notions of morality.
maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle and we should be having sex with dead animals
maybe things are just bad in themselves. like maybe murder isn't bad because you lacked the informed consent of the victim and major league baseball or whatever but murder is just bad. and like having sex with your brother isn't bad because there is a 4% chance the kid will be half-retarded but just because it's bad in itself. or maybe it's bad because it's shameful. what happened to shame.

getfiscal posted:

maybe things are just bad in themselves. like maybe murder isn't bad because you lacked the informed consent of the victim and major league baseball or whatever but murder is just bad. and like having sex with your brother isn't bad because there is a 4% chance the kid will be half-retarded but just because it's bad in itself. or maybe it's bad because it's shameful. what happened to shame.

shame is good if it will stop goatstein from fucking his own sister

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

maybe things are just bad in themselves. like maybe murder isn't bad because you lacked the informed consent of the victim and major league baseball or whatever but murder is just bad. and like having sex with your brother isn't bad because there is a 4% chance the kid will be half-retarded but just because it's bad in itself. or maybe it's bad because it's shameful. what happened to shame.

i'm sorry but none of these terms compute, it's like, i understand what you're trying to say but it's as if none of that actually means anything?


tpaine posted:


exactly, social taboos largely derive from the "that's gross" factor.

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

maybe things are just bad in themselves. like maybe murder isn't bad because you lacked the informed consent of the victim and major league baseball or whatever but murder is just bad. and like having sex with your brother isn't bad because there is a 4% chance the kid will be half-retarded but just because it's bad in itself. or maybe it's bad because it's shameful. what happened to shame.

"murder" describes a certain relation between two people though, it's not an act in itself. like its a legal concept. what makes a death a murder is socially constructed. murder, sacrifice, execution, euthenasia, combat, etc. are not "things" in the first place at all

that said i don't subscribe to a ratiocentric utilitarian morality either. thigns are good because the creator decreed them to be so, and so they are.

[account deactivated]
there is no such thing as infallible science tpaine. the fact remains that what is good and bad and the fact of creation is basically arbitrary from our perspective and so any mode of thought is not going to unravel the key rationale behind it

"If you did not commit sins, Allah would sweep you out of existence and replace you by another people who would commit sins, ask for Allah’s forgiveness and He would forgive them.”
there are plenty of infalliable pseudo-sciences
don't know why i made that but i did and here we are

getfiscal posted:

don't know why i made that but i did and here we are


sociology is my anti-tank.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

getfiscal posted:
don't know why i made that but i did and here we are



im not saying god has no purpose to will creation but just that its really silly to assume we can comprehend it through rational discourse. it has to be experienced through gnosis and then it is just a fleeting moment that you chase forever through the shitswamp of life until you die and return to the one

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

there is no such thing as infallible science tpaine. the fact remains that what is good and bad and the fact of creation is basically arbitrary from our perspective and so any mode of thought is not going to unravel the key rationale behind it

"If you did not commit sins, Allah would sweep you out of existence and replace you by another people who would commit sins, ask for Allah’s forgiveness and He would forgive them.”

i believe you're forgetting a little something called, what was it? Oh yeah IT WAS WORLD WAR FUCKING TWO.

i totally did forget about that for a second. thanks for reminding me. cant wait for the trigger warning rule to be implemented once we get a real mod up in this piece.

you attributed lack of omniscience to the all mighty creator. that's almost shrike.
[account deactivated]

Transient_Grace posted:

you attributed lack of omniscience to the all mighty creator. that's almost shrike.

um well how about i meant it like god's knowledge transcends "knowing" because that implies that there is something to know other than himself

can we please keep the bestiality thread on topic ffs

tpaine posted:


[account deactivated]
wjhat did god do before creAtion
fuck a turtle
all the way down

Impper posted:

wjhat did god do before creAtion

let me guess, it's mysterious and unknowable, like everything else in battlemoon islamica