
LIBERAL Senator Cory Bernardi has suggested legalising same sex marriage would lead to demands for bestiality to also be sanctioned.

Speaking in Parliament last night on a gay marriage bill sponsored by four Labor senators, Senator Bernardi said the push for same-sex marriage was part of an attack on ''our enduring institutions.''

''It is another chip in the fabric of our social mores,'' he said. ''The time has come to ask, when will it end? If we are prepared to redefine marriage … what is the next step?''

''The next step … is having three people that love each other should be able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society, or four people. There are even some creepy people out there, who say that it's OK to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals. Will that be a future step?''

he's right though, and i say this as a supporter of gay marriage

gay marriage DOES chip away at judeo-christian morality, whether that's good or bad is a matter of opinion.

The more you chip away at long established social restrictions, the harder it becomes to stem such a tide. the legitimization of beastiality WILL be one step closer once gay marriage is passed, because it will illustrate that marriage is a fluid definition and can therefore be changed

Even 80 years ago the idea that openly homosexual men could be a Senator or powerful businessman was absolutely ludicrous, it was an abomination. Times change, and small incremental measures such as decriminalizing homosexuality led to this position now where we have hedonistic homosexuality all over our TV’s and shoved down our throats so to speak.

Removing the heterosexual foundations of marriage will have social consequences that we cannot possibly see now, one of these may well be an increased tolerance or understanding of “beastiality”, especially as science helps us understand the psychology and behaviour of animals better and redefine perceptions of “consent”.

After all, if it is legal and acceptable to marry an intellectually disabled girl, why not a super smart chimp? we're only just beginning to understand animal intelligence....couple this with genetic modifications and enhancements and we are clearly going to be facing a situation this century where we drastically re-evaluate our relationship with animals and their behaviour.

Llook at the affection people have for dogs or birds....the question of consent is a hard one but could be answered or better understood by science....if that was the case, I don't see why the love between a man and his chimp should be considered any less than between a men and woman or man and man.

By allowing gay marriage we are showing that we, as a society, are open to changing our most cherished institutions and values as a result of ethical changes in our dynamic society. Monkey marriage could (and i'm not saying definitely) be an extention of this process.

It really began with no-fault divorce and stuff more so than gay marriage, but it's clearly another step on the road. How can progressives applaud the undermining and destruction of social mores and codes and then act outraged or offended by somebody proposing that inter-species love may be the next step?

[account deactivated]
that s hot
Ah! another chip in the fabric!

Meursault posted:

Ah! another chip in the fabric!

it's not so much a chip in the fabric as a hole punched through the a dam wall.....the leak will eat away at the dam wall and the hole will get larger and larger until we all drown in a metaphorical Jonestown flood of slow loris diaper play

[account deactivated]

Meursault posted:

Ah! another chip in the fabric!

Another chimp in the fabric - a wedding dress.


The taboo on sex with animals may, as I have already suggested, have originated as part of a broader rejection of non-reproductive sex. But the vehemence with which this prohibition continues to be held, its persistence while other non-reproductive sexual acts have become acceptable, suggests that there is another powerful force at work: our desire to differentiate ourselves, erotically and in every other way, from animals…

But sex with animals does not always involve cruelty…

...we are animals, indeed more specifically, we are great apes. This does not make sex across the species barrier normal, or natural, whatever those much-misused words may mean, but it does imply that it ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings.


Keven posted:

Meursault posted:

Ah! another chip in the fabric!

Another chimp in the fabric - a wedding dress.

Sounds like my first marriage!

im gonna get a catfish pregnant and no one can stop me
[account deactivated]
Today in Europe I was told that people sexually abusing their pets is rampant. Sounds like Socialism to me.

clanzy posted:

im gonna get a catfish pregnant and no one can stop me

heh. good luck with that.


clanzy posted:

im gonna get a catfish pregnant and no one can stop me


Meursault posted:

Ah! another chip in the fabric!

it a doritos in bed metaphor

pretty much anything could lead to beaustiality if you ask me. your walking to the shop to buy a packet of Monster Munch and you see someone's cute looking basset hound. those big brown teasing eyes....you stop and you pet it and it could easily lead further. its essentially the same method as you meet girls and is gross. ban shops
otoh i endorse a new hole in the wall as i will be able to put my dick in it


Today in Europe I was told that people sexually abusing their pets is rampant. Sounds like Socialism to me.

what were you doing in europe.


bestiality is here to stay. i'm just waiting for the day we can make it legal. it WOULD be nice.
I firmly expect a movement in my lifetime to legitimize incestuous relationships. It's already a cliche in what passes for avant-garde art in film and the source of WDDP and Tumblr drama, so who will we be to speak for the familyfuckers? We already gladly allow politics and culture to destroy the family, I doubt us kinkshamers can stop the tide of wincest

Groulxsmith posted:

I firmly expect a movement in my lifetime to legitimize incestuous relationships. It's already a cliche in what passes for avant-garde art in film and the source of WDDP and Tumblr drama, so who will we be to speak for the familyfuckers? We already gladly allow politics and culture to destroy the family, I doubt us kinkshamers can stop the tide of wincest

I want to fuck my baby's shitty diaper.

You can lead a horse to bestiality but... something something
it's already here.

Teen forced to marry cow he had sex with

An Indonesian teenager who was caught having sex with a cow was forced to marry it. Officials in the Island of Bali decided an arranged marriage between boy and beast was an apt punishment.

Nasdaq reported 18-year-old Ngurah Alit defended his sexual transgression by claiming the cow was a beautiful woman who wooed him with compliments.

Bali officials decided that Alit deserved to be punished and decreed he must marry the cow in a ceremony performed before hundreds of people.

According to Emirates 247 the teenager passed out during the wedding ceremony and the townspeople decided to drown the cow.


heterosexuality is for nerds who do not know what life is like outside of the nerd universe, good riddance
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
perhaps social taboos shouldn't be enforced like they were actual criminal activities on the first rate.

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

bestiality isn't okay because animals can't consent to sexual acts no matter how much they woo you with complements

y.. yeah... i agree... *stares at ur av for 4 hours*


guidoanselmi posted:

it's already here.

Teen forced to marry cow he had sex with

An Indonesian teenager who was caught having sex with a cow was forced to marry it. Officials in the Island of Bali decided an arranged marriage between boy and beast was an apt punishment.

Nasdaq reported 18-year-old Ngurah Alit defended his sexual transgression by claiming the cow was a beautiful woman who wooed him with compliments.

Bali officials decided that Alit deserved to be punished and decreed he must marry the cow in a ceremony performed before hundreds of people.

According to Emirates 247 the teenager passed out during the wedding ceremony and the townspeople decided to drown the cow.



guidoanselmi posted:

it's already here.

Teen forced to marry cow he had sex with

An Indonesian teenager who was caught having sex with a cow was forced to marry it. Officials in the Island of Bali decided an arranged marriage between boy and beast was an apt punishment.

Nasdaq reported 18-year-old Ngurah Alit defended his sexual transgression by claiming the cow was a beautiful woman who wooed him with compliments.

Bali officials decided that Alit deserved to be punished and decreed he must marry the cow in a ceremony performed before hundreds of people.

According to Emirates 247 the teenager passed out during the wedding ceremony and the townspeople decided to drown the cow.


forced marriages are such bullshit

trans theory
mods change my name to Sexy breast get lady boy
If you’re a smaller fat person and you embrace the word fat and use it descriptively and lovingly, that’s awesome. I just hope that you think about your big fat friends who can’t use weight limited gym equipment, are denied visas to countries, denied life saving operations, and can’t physically fit into this every day world leading them to live isolated and distressing existences.

I would hope that you’re totally cool with your privileges and that when it comes to taking up space in fat activism, there are marginalised experiences we need to talk about OTHER than how hard it is to find clothes (although that is important too!) and our fat friends on the super awesome deathfat end of the spectrum need a place to talk about the things that make it hard for them to live and thrive every day (including other intersecting oppressions!)
when it comes to taking up space in fat activism,
meat eating is obviously worse than bestiality

Goethestein posted:

meat eating is obviously worse than bestiality

social taboos are not based on morality, they're based on the 'ewww that's gross' factor.

how fat do you have to be to be denied a visa lol

babyfinland posted:

how fat do you have to be to be denied a visa lol

