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will do so either today or tomorrow.

HenryKrinkle posted:


here's my response:

this is cool.

also i want to express interest in those essays u be postin steg, they own and i'd love to see more

I'm going to make a pdf and an ebook out of them once they're all transcribed. I was thinking about doing it up and putting all kinds of art in them but I've forgotten how to use indesign since freshman year campus newspaper days so it's going to say strictly textual, strictly sextual if you will
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i am reading Where to Begin? by Paul Ricoeur and the Oeuvres translated by Zsa Zsa Gabor
ricoeur is cool
i'm reading the Blair Diaries by spin-king Alistair Campbell because i'm a degenerate who loves facile politics

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i'm reading the Blair Diaries by spin-king Alistair Campbell because i'm a degenerate who loves facile politics

there were some rly interesting personalities involved in the new labour government and its probably ok to enjoy it on that level, imo

did you see that thing about blair and clinton on the bbc last night. it was p good i thought
the guy playin clinton didnt look a thing like him though
Down in the Zero by Andrew Vachss. It sucks
Anything that can't be labelled fecund horror is worthless
[account deactivated]
At this point i basicalky only post when I'm having issues with women or food and need to vent the stress of rockos modern life, remember that shit ahaha that show was fuckin funny as shit when i was 0 years old

tpaine posted:

swampman posted:

Anything that can't be labelled fecund horror is worthless

your posting can be labelled that. oh wait you said fecUND

Its one of those cool things where everything that is it is it and everything that isnt it also is it

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Didnt you ever read that great article about invasion of the body snatchers and the 1980s version of the thing, and cronenberg's Shivers, and the erotica about the lady getting mind controlled by wasps, ?
http://gayutopia.blogspot.com/2007/12/noah-berlatsky-fecund-horror_12.html This
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swampman posted:


this is my SHIt

yeah thats dope imo
hmmm i'm gonna go to this book talk methinks:

Please join 2011 Indie Publishing Contest Grand Prize Winner Michael J. Cooper for a discussion of his debut novel

Imagine a novel in which you find Mozart and Nazis, archaeologists, hidden treasure, Knights Templar, lost loves, metaphysics and a little quantum physics…a rich, complex and erudite story.
Sasha Paulsen, Napa Valley Register

The tale is replete with love, war, wit and wisdom…filled with a striking mix of historical fact
and pure, simple fantasy.
Maayan Jaffe, Baltimore Jewish Times

… a tour de force, Cooper has created a composition of Jerusalem—contemporary and historical, earthly and celestial—all brought together with an intricate plot that leaves the reader guessing to the last minute. A winner.
Eylon Meroz –Mvaseret Tzion

In FOXES IN THE VINEYARD, Michael Cooper presents the birth of Israel in 1948 as multifaceted alternate historical fiction. On one hand the novel raises the specter of covert elements of the Third Reich secretly infiltrated into Palestine after WWII. Using counter-intelligence and terror, the Nazis seek to drive the Jews and Arabs to war, to drive the British from Palestine, and ultimately to seize Jerusalem as the new capital of a reborn Third Reich with the Temple Mount as their fortress and the Templar treasure as plunder. On another level, the Nazis serve as metaphor for any movement that invokes ultra-nationalism, militarism, and mystical religious fanaticism—a toxic mixture that continues to infect the Middle East conflict. On this level there arise broader questions about the challenge to act with responsibility and compassion to achieve a just and peaceful coexistence in the region.

A native of Berkeley, Michael Cooper graduated from Oakland High School and emigrated to Israel in 1966. He studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem before attending Tel Aviv University Medical School, where he graduated in 1975. With Northern California Kaiser-Permanente since 1983, he is clinical professor of pediatric cardiology at UCSF Medical Center. He returns to Israel at least twice a year for medical missions serving children with heart defects who lack adequate access to care.
Foxes in the Vineyard, grand prize winner of the 2011
Indie Publishing Contest, is his first novel.

is Clash of Civilizations worth reading?

it cops a lot of flack but the events of the past week make me think there's something in that theory

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

is Clash of Civilizations worth reading?

it cops a lot of flack but the events of the past week make me think there's something in that theory

why dont you read the muslim equivalent, like maududi or qutb or somethign

don't read the muslim equivalent. we can't afford to lose more posters to islam. we all know where baby finland stands.

getfiscal posted:

we all know where baby finland stands.


babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is Clash of Civilizations worth reading?

it cops a lot of flack but the events of the past week make me think there's something in that theory

why dont you read the muslim equivalent, like maududi or qutb or somethign

Alright recommend me something, I could probably do with understanding the “muslim soul” or whatever a little better.

I still want some honest and frank western perspective too*, Doesn’t have to be Huntington

*for an example of a non-frank and dishonest western perspective: Obama, Gillard and Cameron claiming that this movie is “repulsive” or “sickening” or whatever when they probably quite enjoy the Life of Brian.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

getfiscal posted:

we all know where baby finland stands.

more like


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is Clash of Civilizations worth reading?

it cops a lot of flack but the events of the past week make me think there's something in that theory

why dont you read the muslim equivalent, like maududi or qutb or somethign

Alright recommend me something, I could probably do with understanding the “muslim soul” or whatever a little better.

I still want some honest and frank western perspective too*, Doesn’t have to be Huntington

*for an example of a non-frank and dishonest western perspective: Obama, Gillard and Cameron claiming that this movie is “repulsive” or “sickening” or whatever when they probably quite enjoy the Life of Brian.

milestones by qutb i guess


babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
babyfinland posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is Clash of Civilizations worth reading?

it cops a lot of flack but the events of the past week make me think there's something in that theory

why dont you read the muslim equivalent, like maududi or qutb or somethign
Alright recommend me something, I could probably do with understanding the “muslim soul” or whatever a little better.

I still want some honest and frank western perspective too*, Doesn’t have to be Huntington

*for an example of a non-frank and dishonest western perspective: Obama, Gillard and Cameron claiming that this movie is “repulsive” or “sickening” or whatever when they probably quite enjoy the Life of Brian.

milestones by qutb i guess


I’m sympathetic to the clash of civilizations thign, as problematic as it is, because the gulf between “behead those who insult our prophet” and “Mohammed was a pedophile warlord”* which are both very common opinions seems rather large and intractable at this point.

*not just literally these but as shorthand for Muslim piety and Western secularism

i recently read a book called politics and piety by saba mahmood that is a really good analysis of how western sociological tools (especially progressive feminism) fail in composing a susbstantive critique of (e.g.) the egyptian women's pietist movement the author studied. if that seems interesting to you i'd reccomend it. it's big on foucault and butler though got a lot of fancy words and stuff
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tpaine posted:




babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

getfiscal posted:

we all know where baby finland stands.

more like

is that a nando's cause that's p. awesome chicken.