[account deactivated]
wingtip boots are the bougiest shit, why would you wear boots you can't kick someone's teeth in with smh
never trust them
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:


tbh this is what comes of taking your picture of england entirely from london, this is a more accurate representation i think

the best part is he's obviously spent zero money on his hair

discipline posted:


how did you find this picture of me.

[account deactivated]
My name is Ken, but my friends call me Kensley Kennington.
my name is ken, but i don't have any friends

discipline posted:

cool is that a hot dog bun with raw dough in it


even in a $2,000 suit english people look awful
your a pasty barm
Essentially a burrito in a bun lmao mcdonalds and taco bell need to hook us up. I wanna burggito
It's funny how like Irish people in Ireland are the still cool, but people of Irish descent born and raised in the US or in England are all awful. Conversely, however, people of German descent raised outside of Germany are cool, but people from Germany itself are some of the worst ever.
I’m white and I like to write rap lyrics. I can’t freestyle for shit, but I can rap and write like a motherfucker. I used to be really into it during the last two years after my first suicide attempt required me to find a new outlet and Eminem came out of hiding. I have no problem speaking the word “nigger” or any derivation of it as I am not a racist. Besides, when I write rap lyrics, I use the word “bigot” where most black rappers would use “nigger”. I figured they sound similar enough and to me “bigot” is a bigger insult than “whigger”, “cracker”, “whitey”, or “honky”.
Don't this shit make my bigots wanna jump jump
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[account deactivated]

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

It's funny how like Irish people in Ireland are the still cool, but people of Irish descent born and raised in the US or in England are all awful. Conversely, however, people of German descent raised outside of Germany are cool, but people from Germany itself are some of the worst ever.

Fucked up but true


Petrol posted:

i eat lamb

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

Petrol posted:

i eat lamb

thats not a particularly interesting or unique fact about lamb.

tom chegit

I'm American, Dennis, is the point.

thats a good song
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

yeah it rules

God Bless Lamberica

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

persians are white in america this is a thing i noticed. aryanism

damn right. aryan pride

there's 4 types of people in australia: aborigines, muzzies, croc dundee folk, and disaffected youth a la IWC
white people do shit like this all the time. i've seen them


clanzy posted:

white people do shit like this all the time. i've seen them

What is that? Some kind of religious ceremony?

*talks loudly about themselves endlessly*
*doesn't understand irony*
*glazed look and fixed smile*

- Americans
all the persians in america are super rich though, that probably has something to do with it

deadken posted:

khamsek is the first person ive met above the age of 8 who eats and enjoys the stuff

tragic that despite your hefty appetites for sex and drugs you dont know the first thing about pleasure

next time im in london im bringing a suitcase full of roast beef flavour and im gonna sit you down and were gonna eat them all while trolling liberals in the uk d&d thread
im movin up to leeds next week, Lol
deleuze thought pleasure was inherently reactionary and a far less productive force than desire, and im inclined to agree. i dont actually like any of the things i do
oh yeah, i wondered why my town was full of children again. Fucking Students
lol im going to a kings college freshers event at ministry of sound tonight its gonna be either hilarious or intolerable